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fred flores 20fred flores 20 

Can't complete challenge "Build Lookup Logic to find Matching Salesforce Users"

I have completed the following lesson: When I completed the lesson I get the following error: Step not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
sObject collection variable 'User1_Accounts' isn't properly configured. Check the instructions.

Attached is the lesson and my setup. They match so I don't know why I get the error.
My flow is called reassign accounts.
Setup in playground matches lesson

Appreciate feedback to fix and resolve flow problem
Fred Flores
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Make sure that you have done following things.
Drag the node from the bottom of Get User 3’s ID onto Find User 1’s Accounts to connect the elements.
Just to be safe, save the flow. Ignore any warnings that appear.

Compare your final flow if it has all the connections i.e links for all elements.

Please mark it as Solved if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution.
Thanks and Regards
Cheryl Woolsey 5Cheryl Woolsey 5

I am trying to complete this challenge and getting the following error id: IQCDWZAE even though I created a brand new TH Playground as instructed.

Attached is a screenshot of my flow which matches exactly what is in the module.

Any suggestion/help would be appreciated!



User-added image
User-added image

Cheryl Woolsey 5Cheryl Woolsey 5
Here is my Find User 1's Accounts which I believe I set up correctly.

User-added image
Chris Adams 24Chris Adams 24
First of all, it looks like your flow is going in the wrong direction.