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Visualforce inputfile for Contact's Attachment

How I should write "<apex:inputFile value=" in Apex for Contact? I need a custom value or standard, like in "Document" - "<apex:inputFile value="{!document.body}"  filename="{!}"/>"?

Sorry, I'm new.

Best Answer chosen by Simon234
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Try this sample code
public class Fileuploader {
    private final Integer MAX_SIZE          = 131072; // 128Kb
    private final Integer MAX_LENGTH_NAME   = 71;// File Length 
    private final String  ERROR_NO_SAVE     = 'Please upload file.'; // Error Message on No Save
    private final String  ERROR_IMG_TYPE    = 'The image must be .jpg, .gif or .png';    // Error Message for Non Allowed Type 
    //List Of Images Allowed 
    private Set<String> imagesTypes         = new Set<String> {'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/x-png', 'image/gif'};
        //Not Allowd Type 
        private Set<String> notAllowedTypes     = new Set<String> {'application/octet-stream' , 'image/bmp'};
            public Attachment   newAttach           { set; get; }
    public Attachment   file                { set; get; }
    private String      parentId            { set; get; }
    public String       postAction          { set; get; }
    public String       error               { set; get; }
    public Boolean      hasPicture          { set; get; }
    public Fileuploader( ApexPages.StandardController stdController ){
        this.parentId       = stdController.getId();
        this.hasPicture     = false;
        this.newAttach      = new Attachment();
        this.error          = '';
        List<Attachment> attList = [ Select ParentId, Name, Id, ContentType, BodyLength From Attachment where ParentId =: this.parentId and name = 'Contact Picture' limit 1];
        if( attList.size() > 0 ){
            this.file               = attList.get( 0 );
            this.hasPicture         = true;
    public PageReference uploadAction(){
        PageReference thePage = new PageReference( '/'+ parentId );
        thePage.setRedirect( true );
        if( this.validate() ){
            return ( this.saveCurrentPicture() ) ? thePage : null;
            this.newAttach = new Attachment();
            return null;
    public Boolean saveCurrentPicture(){
        Savepoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
            delete [ Select Id From Attachment where ParentId =: this.parentId and name = 'Contact Picture' limit 1 ];
            this.newAttach.parentId = this.parentId;
   = 'Contact Picture';
            insert this.newAttach;
            return true;
        catch( Exception e ){
            this.error += ERROR_NO_SAVE+'<br/>';
            Database.rollback( sp );
            return false;
    public PageReference deleteAction(){
        PageReference thePage = new PageReference( '/'+ parentId );
        thePage.setRedirect( true );
        delete this.file;
        return thePage;
    private Boolean validate(){
        Boolean ret = true;
        this.error = '';
        if( !imagesTypes.contains( newAttach.ContentType ) ){
            this.error += ERROR_IMG_TYPE+'<br/>';
            ret = false;
        return ret;
    public PageReference cancel(){
        PageReference thePage = new PageReference( '/'+ parentId );
        thePage.setRedirect( true );
        return thePage;
<apex:page id="uploadImagePage" standardController="Contact" extensions="Fileuploader" sidebar="false">
    function verifyNameLength(){
        var textVal = document.getElementsByName('uploadImagePage:uploadAttachment:newAttach:inputFile:file')[0].value;
        if( textVal != "" ) 	{
            var browser = navigator.userAgent;
            var fileName = textVal;
            if( 'MSIE' ) > 0 ) {
                var index 		= textVal.lastIndexOf( '\\' );
                fileName 		= textVal.substring( index +1);
            if( fileName.length < 70) {
                return true;
        if( textVal == "" )		{
            alert( 'Please select an image to upload' );
        } else {
            alert( 'The file name must be 70 characters maximum' );
        return false;
    <apex:form id="uploadAttachment">
        <div class="input">
            <b>1. Select the File</b> :	Type the path of the file or click the Browse button to find the file.<br/>
            <apex:inputFile value="{!newAttach.Body}" 
                            fileSize="{!newAttach.BodyLength}" />
            <apex:outputText value="{!error}" escape="false" styleClass="errorMsg"/> 
        <div class="buttons">
            <b>2. Click the "Upload" button or "Delete" button in order to delete the current picture </b><br/>
            <apex:commandButton id="Accept" action="{!uploadAction}" value="Upload" onclick="return verifyNameLength();"></apex:commandButton>
            <apex:commandButton id="Delete" action="{!deleteAction}" value="Delete" rendered="{!hasPicture}" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the current image?')"></apex:commandButton>
            <apex:commandButton id="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel"></apex:commandButton>


All Answers

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Try this sample code
public class Fileuploader {
    private final Integer MAX_SIZE          = 131072; // 128Kb
    private final Integer MAX_LENGTH_NAME   = 71;// File Length 
    private final String  ERROR_NO_SAVE     = 'Please upload file.'; // Error Message on No Save
    private final String  ERROR_IMG_TYPE    = 'The image must be .jpg, .gif or .png';    // Error Message for Non Allowed Type 
    //List Of Images Allowed 
    private Set<String> imagesTypes         = new Set<String> {'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/x-png', 'image/gif'};
        //Not Allowd Type 
        private Set<String> notAllowedTypes     = new Set<String> {'application/octet-stream' , 'image/bmp'};
            public Attachment   newAttach           { set; get; }
    public Attachment   file                { set; get; }
    private String      parentId            { set; get; }
    public String       postAction          { set; get; }
    public String       error               { set; get; }
    public Boolean      hasPicture          { set; get; }
    public Fileuploader( ApexPages.StandardController stdController ){
        this.parentId       = stdController.getId();
        this.hasPicture     = false;
        this.newAttach      = new Attachment();
        this.error          = '';
        List<Attachment> attList = [ Select ParentId, Name, Id, ContentType, BodyLength From Attachment where ParentId =: this.parentId and name = 'Contact Picture' limit 1];
        if( attList.size() > 0 ){
            this.file               = attList.get( 0 );
            this.hasPicture         = true;
    public PageReference uploadAction(){
        PageReference thePage = new PageReference( '/'+ parentId );
        thePage.setRedirect( true );
        if( this.validate() ){
            return ( this.saveCurrentPicture() ) ? thePage : null;
            this.newAttach = new Attachment();
            return null;
    public Boolean saveCurrentPicture(){
        Savepoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
            delete [ Select Id From Attachment where ParentId =: this.parentId and name = 'Contact Picture' limit 1 ];
            this.newAttach.parentId = this.parentId;
   = 'Contact Picture';
            insert this.newAttach;
            return true;
        catch( Exception e ){
            this.error += ERROR_NO_SAVE+'<br/>';
            Database.rollback( sp );
            return false;
    public PageReference deleteAction(){
        PageReference thePage = new PageReference( '/'+ parentId );
        thePage.setRedirect( true );
        delete this.file;
        return thePage;
    private Boolean validate(){
        Boolean ret = true;
        this.error = '';
        if( !imagesTypes.contains( newAttach.ContentType ) ){
            this.error += ERROR_IMG_TYPE+'<br/>';
            ret = false;
        return ret;
    public PageReference cancel(){
        PageReference thePage = new PageReference( '/'+ parentId );
        thePage.setRedirect( true );
        return thePage;
<apex:page id="uploadImagePage" standardController="Contact" extensions="Fileuploader" sidebar="false">
    function verifyNameLength(){
        var textVal = document.getElementsByName('uploadImagePage:uploadAttachment:newAttach:inputFile:file')[0].value;
        if( textVal != "" ) 	{
            var browser = navigator.userAgent;
            var fileName = textVal;
            if( 'MSIE' ) > 0 ) {
                var index 		= textVal.lastIndexOf( '\\' );
                fileName 		= textVal.substring( index +1);
            if( fileName.length < 70) {
                return true;
        if( textVal == "" )		{
            alert( 'Please select an image to upload' );
        } else {
            alert( 'The file name must be 70 characters maximum' );
        return false;
    <apex:form id="uploadAttachment">
        <div class="input">
            <b>1. Select the File</b> :	Type the path of the file or click the Browse button to find the file.<br/>
            <apex:inputFile value="{!newAttach.Body}" 
                            fileSize="{!newAttach.BodyLength}" />
            <apex:outputText value="{!error}" escape="false" styleClass="errorMsg"/> 
        <div class="buttons">
            <b>2. Click the "Upload" button or "Delete" button in order to delete the current picture </b><br/>
            <apex:commandButton id="Accept" action="{!uploadAction}" value="Upload" onclick="return verifyNameLength();"></apex:commandButton>
            <apex:commandButton id="Delete" action="{!deleteAction}" value="Delete" rendered="{!hasPicture}" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the current image?')"></apex:commandButton>
            <apex:commandButton id="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel"></apex:commandButton>

This was selected as the best answer

Thank you ыщ ьгср) But can we use something like:

<apex:inputFile value="{!newAttach.body}" contentType="image/*" />
Or not? I mean make it in VF page.
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Yes .. you can able to use contentType="image/png" . I am not sure * will suport or not please check again