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Sandara FinnertySandara Finnerty 

Edge Communications does not appear as an Account

Hello all. I am working through the module called Customize a Salesforce Object, and am trying to complete the section on Enable Account Field History Tracking. I am at the part where it asks to locate Edge Communications, but when I follow the steps, this does not appear - I don't have any Accounts.
Suggestions? Was this account something that was created in a different module?


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Prashant Pandey07Prashant Pandey07
Hi Sandara,

It may be deleted..or maybe a problem with list view filter

Can you try to search the record in global search and search the record?
Sandara FinnertySandara Finnerty
Hi Prashant.
I did a general search for 'edge' and still no results. Is there a way I can still complete this module?
Prashant Pandey07Prashant Pandey07
can you run once the report and see you are getting any result.also try to query and see the record.
select id from account where name='Edge Communications'
You can create own record with the same name as 'Edge Communications', hopefully, this will not be an issue.

Prashant Pandey07Prashant Pandey07
Are you able to resolve your issue?

Hi Prashant. I did add the account, and it seems to be ok so far! Thanks. I just wasnt sure if there was anything specific in the account that was required for this or other modules.
Prashant Pandey07Prashant Pandey07
It should can add the missing detail any time as per your need.
Please select the best answer and close this thread.

I don't see a way to do this - there is no "best answer" or 'close' option. Other posts say to hover over the Flag, but that only lets me mark it as Spam, Inappropriate, or Hateful
Prashant Pandey07Prashant Pandey07
You need to hover next to flag not over the flag..

still nothing - I have tried hovering on both sides, above and below. I will try again next week
Yves Asselin 3Yves Asselin 3
You need to install the ZBS Starter Pack. Login to your playground and replace everything in your URL  AFTER.... and replace with 

Amina Muzurovic 11Amina Muzurovic 11
I had a problem with The 'Edge Communications' account does not appear to have a 'Support Plan Start Date' at least 1 year in the past.
Make sure that step 5 is done.
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