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>= not working in VF Page

Hi ,

On VF page , we are giving the below condition for required attribute ,
<apex:inputField value="{!cr.Contact.DOB__c}" label="Date of Birth" required="{!IF(cr.Contact.Primary_Officer_Percent__c >= 25, true, false)}"  >

but when the page is loaded we get the below error,

The value 'null' is not valid for operator '>='
Error is in expression '{!IF(cr.Contact.Primary_Officer_Percent__c >= null, true, false)}' in component <apex:inputField> in page jhcustomform

is it because cr.Contact.Primary_Officer_Percent__c is null when the page is loaded ? If yes is there any other way to do this ?

Best Answer chosen by Desai
Tried this , required="{!IF(((cr.Contact.Primary_Officer_Percent__c != null) && (cr.Contact.Primary_Officer_Percent__c >= 25)), true, false)}" and it worked

thanks DeveloperSud

All Answers

Hi ,
check the data type of the filed Primary_Officer_Percent__c.If that field is Boolean or checkbox then the above expression will not work.
Data Type is Percent(3, 0)
Use this {!IF(!isBlank(cr.Contact.Primary_Officer_Percent__c) && cr.Contact.Primary_Officer_Percent__c >=0,true,false)}
Tried this , required="{!IF(((cr.Contact.Primary_Officer_Percent__c != null) && (cr.Contact.Primary_Officer_Percent__c >= 25)), true, false)}" and it worked

thanks DeveloperSud
This was selected as the best answer
Cool .Please mark this as solved by choosing the above as best answer.

Hi Desai,

Please try the below code:

 required="{!IF(((cr.Contact.Primary_Officer_Percent__c >=0), true, false)}"
 // value depend on the type of Custom Field  " Primary_Officer_Percent__c" 
 //if number  then use Integer value >=0 
 //if String  then use !=null

if you found this answer helpful then please mark it as best answer so it can help others.   