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sai manojsai manoj 

super badge Lightning Experience Specialist #challenge 2

Best Answer chosen by sai manoj
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Below are the screenshot for approval process cross check with your work.

User-added image

User-added image

Please mark it as solved if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution.
Best Regards

All Answers

SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

Below are the screenshot for approval process cross check with your work.

User-added image

User-added image

Please mark it as solved if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution.
Best Regards
This was selected as the best answer
sai manojsai manoj
I didnt understand process of Sales Process Customization
please refer imedatetly

wat i want to do  wit tis fields were i want to do it
Abhishek Shukla 97Abhishek Shukla 97
Hello @Sai Manoj, 

These are the stages of Slaesforce opportunity which we need to use while creating opportunity path. 
To do so please refer following: 

Open Setu up>In Quick Search type Path Setting >Click on Path Setting >

Path entry page

Click on the New path and you will get following screen :

User-added image

Enter the path name and select object 
Record type would be Master 

For Picklist select Stage 

Now the tabe refered in the badge  you need to update field respective to stage and the Guidance for Scussesss please click on next you will get following screen: 
User-added image

In this screen we will do as mebntioned ion the table Lets Select "New" for refernce(1) and now click on Add Update Field (2)  it will open a new screen where we will drag and drop field as mentioned in the table after putting the field click on save. It will redirect you on the same screen. Now in Guidance for Success(3) copy and paste the descriprtion mentioned in the table for New Stage. 

Repeat the steps for all given stages. 

Please click on Next and it will redirect you to the screen to activate it : 

User-added image

Woohoo we have just crearted a Sales Path. 

We can just test this on a new opportunity and it will look a like: 

User-added image

Note:Please make sure you have activated the path 
       :The stages mentioned in the table has been created in opportunity Stage picklist 
       :The same stages has been added in the Sales Process
        :The same record type has been created using the Sales Process
      :The Record type and Sales Process should be active and assigned properly to Profile 

Please let me know if you find this hepful. Any feedback is deeeply appreciated.