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Maggie Longshore
OpportunityContactRole Permissions to Query
As a System Admin I can run this query on our production org in the developer console Query tab..
When I run the same query as System Admin in a sandbox I receive this error 'sObject type 'OpportunityContactRole' is not supported.'
I have compared access and permissions between teh orgs yet I can not figure out why.
I am able to create OpportunityContactRole in Apex code in both orgs yet I can't query from sandbox in apex to read the created object.
I need to get this to work so my unit tests will pass in both orgs.
Select Id, opportunityId, contact.account.Name, contact.Id, contact.Name, contact.FirstName, contact.LastName, contact.Phone, contact.Email, contact.LeadSource isPrimary, Role from OpportunityContactRole where opportunityId = '006xxxxxxxxx'
When I run the same query as System Admin in a sandbox I receive this error 'sObject type 'OpportunityContactRole' is not supported.'
I have compared access and permissions between teh orgs yet I can not figure out why.
I am able to create OpportunityContactRole in Apex code in both orgs yet I can't query from sandbox in apex to read the created object.
I need to get this to work so my unit tests will pass in both orgs.
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