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Write a SOQL query to retrieve sum of all closed Opportunity amount for current fiscal year. Store this information in a map with key as year and value as sum of amount. Iterate this map to display statistics

Can anyone help me with this?

Write a SOQL query to retrieve sum of all closed Opportunity amount for current fiscal year. Store this information in a map with key as year and value as sum of amount. Iterate this map to display statistics.
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Use this code
List<AggregateResult> agg = [SELECT  SUM(Amount) ,CALENDAR_YEAR(CreatedDate) 
                             FROM Opportunity
                             WHERE CALENDAR_YEAR(CreatedDate) != 2018 Group by  CALENDAR_YEAR(CreatedDate)] ;
Map<Integer , Decimal> sumtoYear = new Map<Integer,Decimal>() ;
for(AggregateResult a : agg){
    sumtoYear.put((Integer)a.get('expr1') ,(Decimal) a.get('expr0'))  ; 

mahesh kumar 330mahesh kumar 330
Write a SOQL QUERY on case object manycases​​cases closed from last one year
pratiksha mogal 6pratiksha mogal 6
public static void OppAmount(){
   List<AggregateResult> aggr = [select CALENDAR_YEAR(CloseDate) Year,SUM(Amount) Amount from Opportunity
           where CloseDate = THIS_FISCAL_YEAR group by CALENDAR_YEAR(CloseDate)];
       map<Integer,Decimal> Sumofamount = new map <Integer,Decimal>();