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Passing sObject List from Client Controller to Server Controller (Lightning Components)
Seems like I'm not being able to pass a sObject list to my server-side controller.
I've seen articles and other forum answers that propose using JSON.stringify. I've tried that method, but my server-side controller throws an error stating: "null input to JSON parser". System.debug() shows a 'null' value for the input String parameter. Not sure what's going on.
If I try passing the sObject, I also get a null value, but no error. I have verified that the argument I'm passing from the server-side is not null via console.log().
For the stringify method, I'm changing the action2.setParam() to:
Client-side Controller
(with this method, I am changing the input parameter in the client-side as well from 'openOpps' to 'openOppsString')
I've seen articles and other forum answers that propose using JSON.stringify. I've tried that method, but my server-side controller throws an error stating: "null input to JSON parser". System.debug() shows a 'null' value for the input String parameter. Not sure what's going on.
If I try passing the sObject, I also get a null value, but no error. I have verified that the argument I'm passing from the server-side is not null via console.log().
For the stringify method, I'm changing the action2.setParam() to:
var action2 = component.get('c.relatedOpportunities'); action2.setParam({ openOppsString: JSON.stringify(oppList) });Please note that I'm making two server calls for init.
Client-side Controller
({ doInit : function(component, event, helper) { var action = component.get('c.getOpenRenewals'); action.setParams({ accountId: component.get("v.recordId") }) // the oppList variable below is to store the list of open renewals to pass on to the second server call var oppList = []; action.setCallback(this, function(actionResult) { component.set('v.openRenewals', actionResult.getReturnValue()); oppList = actionResult.getReturnValue(); // debugging console.log('>>> Log 1.0: ' + JSON.stringify(actionResult.getReturnValue())); console.log('>>> Log 1.1: ' + actionResult.getReturnValue()); console.log('>>> Log 1.2: ' + JSON.stringify(oppList)); console.log('>>> Log 1.3: ' + oppList); var action2 = component.get('c.relatedOpportunities'); action2.setParam({ openOpps: oppList }); action2.setCallback(this, function(actionResult) { component.set('v.associatedOpps', actionResult.getReturnValue()); console.log('>>> Log 2: ' + JSON.stringify(actionResult.getReturnValue())); }); $A.enqueueAction(action2); }); $A.enqueueAction(action); } })CLIENT LOGS
>>> Log 1.0: [{"Id":"0060x0000061FU0AAM","AccountId":"0014100000gZs1IAAS","Name":"Open Renewal - Test","StageName":"SBR 2 / Renewal Quote","Amount":1234,"CloseDate":"2018-08-03","OwnerId":"00541000001TeSwAAK","RecordTypeId":"012410000019XbpAAE","Owner":{"Name":"fdacruz","Id":"00541000001TeSwAAK"}}] >>> Log 1.1: [object Object] >>> Log 1.2: [{"Id":"0060x0000061FU0AAM","AccountId":"0014100000gZs1IAAS","Name":"Open Renewal - Test","StageName":"SBR 2 / Renewal Quote","Amount":1234,"CloseDate":"2018-08-03","OwnerId":"00541000001TeSwAAK","RecordTypeId":"012410000019XbpAAE","Owner":{"Name":"fdacruz","Id":"00541000001TeSwAAK"}}] >>> Log 1.3: [object Object] >>> Log 2: {}Server-Side Controller (Snippet) 1
@auraEnabled public static Map<Id, List<Opportunity>> relatedOpportunities(List<Opportunity> openOpps) { system.debug(openOpps.size()); system.debug(openOpps);SERVER DEBUG LOGS 1
[43]|DEBUG|0 [44]|DEBUG|()Server-Side Controller (Snippet) 2
(with this method, I am changing the input parameter in the client-side as well from 'openOpps' to 'openOppsString')
@auraEnabled public static Map<Id, List<Opportunity>> relatedOpportunities(String openOppsString) { system.debug(openOppsString); List<Opportunity> openOpps; openOpps = (List<Opportunity>)System.JSON.deserializeStrict(openOppsString, List<Opportunity>.class); */ system.debug(openOpps.size()); system.debug(openOpps);SERVER DEBUG LOGS 2
Thank you to sfdcfox from Salesforce Stackexchange for helping me solve this.