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Leonard Silon 16Leonard Silon 16 

Why does replying ot email put my signature at bottom of thread

When on a case and the email related list and I click reply/reply all it always puts my signature at the bottom of the email thread instead of where I am typing. I can not find any information since 2015. Does anyone have more infomation on how to do this? Is it a config fix or is there a developmental fix or nothing?
Maharajan CMaharajan C
Hi Leonard,

Check your Email settings.

Please use the below link for guidance:

Screenshot of my signature

User-added image

 Can you please Let me know if it helps or not!!!

If it helps don't forget to mark this as a best answer!!!

Leonard Silon 16Leonard Silon 16
I am not sure what you mean by that but email settings are where I enter what I want the email signature to be. It does not help put the signature where it needs to be per my original post Thanks, Leonard Silon Senior Salesforce Administrator Canon Financial Services, Inc. 158 Gaither Drive, Suite 200, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 T 856-206-1848 C Please consider the environment before printing this email
Maharajan CMaharajan C

Put your email signature in the Email settings from my setting then the signature will populate properly as like below.
User-added image
Leonard Silon 16Leonard Silon 16
That is incorrect. When on the case feed and email there it adds the email to below the thread. We need it to work like Outlook where it adds the email signature above the thread always Thanks, Leonard Silon Senior Salesforce Administrator Canon Financial Services, Inc. 158 Gaither Drive, Suite 200, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 T 856-206-1848 C Please consider the environment before printing this email
Amanda Buchan 18Amanda Buchan 18
Did you find an answer to this one? Struggling with it currently