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Pradeep Musthi 9
Update Amount Custom field whenever Related opportunity is Deleted
Here is my Code
Its Working for insert and Update,but when i delete a particular Opportunity the amount field on trigger is not updating the subtracted value instead it is updating the deleted opportunity amount value
trigger OppAmount on Opportunity (after insert,after update,after delete,after undelete) { if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || trigger.isUndelete) { set<Id> OppId=new Set<Id>(); for(opportunity { OppId.add(o.accountid); } Decimal i=0; List<Opportunity> ls=[select amount from opportunity where accountid in:OppId]; List<Account> l=[select id from account where id in:OppId]; List<account> l1=new List<Account>(); for(Opportunity o:ls) { if(o.Amount !=null) { i=i+(o.Amount); } } for(Account a:l) { a.Opportunity_Amount__c=i; l1.add(a); } update l1; } if(Trigger.isDelete ) { Set<Id> accid=new Set<Id>(); for(Opportunity o:Trigger.old) { accid.add(o.accountid); } List<Account> ls=[select id,Opportunity_Amount__c,(select accountid,amount from opportunities) from account where id in:accid]; list<account> ls2=new list<account>(); decimal i7; for(Account a:ls) { for(opportunity o:a.opportunities) { i7= a.Opportunity_Amount__c - (o.Amount); a.Opportunity_Amount__c=i7; } ls2.add(a); } update ls2; } }
Its Working for insert and Update,but when i delete a particular Opportunity the amount field on trigger is not updating the subtracted value instead it is updating the deleted opportunity amount value
Check this trigger. I didn't test this, but it will work.
Let me know if you face any issues.