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Bedotroyee SarkarBedotroyee Sarkar 

Getting reference error id: NEBGKIPG while checking the challenge 7 (Create the SolarBot dashboard) of Report and Dashboard superbadge.

Getting the below error with reference error id: NEBGKIPG while checking the challenge 7 (Create the SolarBot dashboard) of Report and Dashboard superbadge.

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums

I have tried creating new Trailhead Playground as well. But no luck!! :(
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Sarkar,

Sorry for this issue you are encountering.

May I request you please confirm if you are using a brand new developer org in order to validate this challenge, if not then I would suggest you create a brand new org and give a try which should probably do the trick.

If you are using a brand new developer org then please double check that your org doesn't have a namespace enabled. If that doesn't help please give a try by restarting the batch.

Still, if the problem persists log out of all accounts and log in once again in a different browser by clearing the cache and cookies which should probably do the trick.

Please let us know if any further help is needed.

Kindly mark this as solved if the reply was helpful.

Bedotroyee SarkarBedotroyee Sarkar
Thank you so much Nagendra for your quick response!

The issue what I was facing got fixed. 

I have tried above suggestions but I was stil facing the error. 

The reason behind getting this error was I did something wrong with the dashboards (either wrong graph or wrong field was selected). Once I corrected those, refreshed dashboard and checked the challenge, this error was gone even without creating new playground.

So it seems like appropriate error message does not get displayed for few scenarios. Instead, this generic one gets displayed. 

It's really time consuming to find what exactly went wrong with a component when appropriate error message does not get displayed. :(