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Declared variable not working in @AuraEnabled controller
Hi All ,
Declared variable not working in @AuraEnabled controller
below my sample code , how can we reuse declared variable "strusrfield "in mutiple methods
getting Variable does not exist: strusrfield error
Public class myusercls {
@AuraEnabled public string strusrfield ;
public static list<String> getuserdetails(){ // this method calling from doinit
for( user objusr : [select id , Primary_Sales_Org__c from user where id=:UserInfo.getUserId() ]) {
strusrfield = objusr.unicode__c;
list<customobj__c> objcus =[select id unicode__c from customobj__c where unicode__c =:strusrfield ];
return objcus ;
public static list<String> getcustomretunx(){
list<customobj__c> objcus =[select id unicode__c from customobj__c where unicode__c =:strusrfield ];
return objcus ;
Declared variable not working in @AuraEnabled controller
below my sample code , how can we reuse declared variable "strusrfield "in mutiple methods
getting Variable does not exist: strusrfield error
Public class myusercls {
@AuraEnabled public string strusrfield ;
public static list<String> getuserdetails(){ // this method calling from doinit
for( user objusr : [select id , Primary_Sales_Org__c from user where id=:UserInfo.getUserId() ]) {
strusrfield = objusr.unicode__c;
list<customobj__c> objcus =[select id unicode__c from customobj__c where unicode__c =:strusrfield ];
return objcus ;
public static list<String> getcustomretunx(){
list<customobj__c> objcus =[select id unicode__c from customobj__c where unicode__c =:strusrfield ];
return objcus ;
You cannot reference your strusrfield variable as you do because it's a static context.
I managed to resolve this issue by declaring a class object and then setting its property : I hope this helps you.