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code coverage for trigger in for loop
Hi ,
Here is the trigger im getting 57% code coverage.Commented area in trigger is not getting covered ,Below is the test class.
Here is the trigger im getting 57% code coverage.Commented area in trigger is not getting covered ,Below is the test class.
For(Opportunity { if(svp.Generate_Payment_Schedule__c== true) { /* for(Payment_Schedule_Template__c P:PSTList) { system.debug('*************************PS'+PSTList); taxlist = [select id,Name from Tax_Master__c WHERE Name='GST' OR Name= 'Vat & Stax']; system.debug('TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTAXLIST'+taxlist); for(Tax_Master__c tm:taxlist) {; taxName=tm.Name; } system.debug('TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTAXID'+taxid); // Prec+=P.Percentage__c; if(taxName=='GST') { PSList.add(new Schedule__c(Display_Order__c = P.Display_Order__c, Name = P.Name, Cumulative_Percentage__c=p.Cumulative_Percentage__c, Cumulative_Installment_Amt__c=p.Cumulative_Percentage__c/100*svp.Total_Agreement_Value__c, Percentage__c = P.Percentage__c, Tentative_Due_Date__c=p.Tentative_Due_Date__c, Installment_Amount__c=p.Percentage__c/100*svp.Total_Agreement_Value__c, Opportunity__c = myatd[1], Tax_Master__c = taxid )); } else if(taxName=='Vat & Stax') { PSList.add(new Schedule__c(Display_Order__c = P.Display_Order__c, Name = P.Name, Cumulative_Percentage__c=p.Cumulative_Percentage__c, Cumulative_Installment_Amt__c=p.Cumulative_Percentage__c/100*svp.Agreement_Value__c, Percentage__c = P.Percentage__c, Tentative_Due_Date__c=p.Tentative_Due_Date__c, Installment_Amount__c=p.Percentage__c/100*svp.Agreement_Value__c, Opportunity__c = myatd[1], // Cumulative_Percentage__c=Prec, Tax_Master__c = taxid )); */ } } } } insert PSList; PSList.clear(); PSTList.clear(); ut.clear(); myatd.clear(); } }
static testMethod void ScheduleTest() { Tax_Master__c tm = new Tax_Master__c(Name='GST'); insert tm; Account a = new Account(name='Ravi'); insert a; Project__c pr = new Project__c(Name='Laplazzo'); insert pr; Block__c b = new Block__c(Name='block one',; insert b; Apartment__c ap = new Apartment__c(Name='112', Block__c=b.Id, Status__c='Available'); insert ap; List<Payment_Schedule_Template__c> PSTList = new List<Payment_Schedule_Template__c>(); for (integer i = 1; i <10; i++) { PSTList.add(new Payment_Schedule_Template__c( Name = 'Payment schedule One', Percentage__c = 0.00, Block__c =, Tentative_Due_Date__c = System.Today(),Display_Order__c = i)); } Insert PSTList; Opportunity o=new Opportunity(Name='raviopp',AccountId=a.Id,StageName='Blocking', Apartment__c,, Generate_Payment_Schedule__c = True); insert o; system.debug('OPPPPPPPPPPPP'+o); if(o.Generate_Payment_Schedule__c) { system.debug('OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'+o.Generate_Payment_Schedule__c); List<Payment_Schedule_Template__c> PSList = new List<Payment_Schedule_Template__c>(); for (Payment_Schedule_Template__c P: PSTList) { system.debug('PPPPPPPPPPSTLIST'+PSTList); Tax_Master__c tm1 = new Tax_Master__c(Name='GST'); insert tm1; Schedule__c sch= new Schedule__c(Display_Order__c=1,Name='sch1',Cumulative_Percentage__c=0.06,Tentative_Due_Date__c=System.Today(),; insert sch; PSList.add(new Payment_Schedule_Template__c( Name = P.Name,,Percentage__c = P.Percentage__c, Tentative_Due_Date__c = System.Today(), Display_Order__c = P.Display_Order__c)); } Insert PSList; update PSList; } update o; } }Pls help me to resolve this .
Paul S.
To obtain code coverage within an if statement, you need to test both positive and negative scenarios. Create a second test method where Generate_Payment_Schedule__c = false and you should see that block covered.