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How to use flow variables in apex class
The flow should call apex class to create new record. The field values are given in flow screen, the class should get the values to create record. I'm having trouble in passing the flow variable to class. How to use the flow input values in apex class. Can anyone help me out in this please.
use following class
public class InvokeApexFromFlowController{
@InvocableMethod(label='Invoke Apex')
public static List<FlowOutputs> invokeThisMetho(List<FlowInputs> request) {
List<FlowOutputs> results = new List<FlowOutputs>();
return results;
//input details that comes to apex from flow
public class FlowInputs{
public Account accountSobj;
public String nameToBeUpdate;
//output details which goes from apex to flow
public class FlowOutputs{
public String accountPreviousName;
public String DMLResult;
Here we have created a wraaper class in flow input variable. In this wrapper class you can define more that one flow varriable and we are passing the intance of this wrapper class in invocable method.
As I have defined two variable in "FlowsInput" wrapper class, so I am getting two option in picklist.
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Thanks mritzi, by doing this way my class is not showing in flow pallet section under apex. I can't able to call the class. Can you please tell me the alternate way
In invocable class i can able to pass one value as parameter at a time, I need to pass other variables also, can you kindly brief your answer.
use following class
public class InvokeApexFromFlowController{
@InvocableMethod(label='Invoke Apex')
public static List<FlowOutputs> invokeThisMetho(List<FlowInputs> request) {
List<FlowOutputs> results = new List<FlowOutputs>();
return results;
//input details that comes to apex from flow
public class FlowInputs{
public Account accountSobj;
public String nameToBeUpdate;
//output details which goes from apex to flow
public class FlowOutputs{
public String accountPreviousName;
public String DMLResult;
Here we have created a wraaper class in flow input variable. In this wrapper class you can define more that one flow varriable and we are passing the intance of this wrapper class in invocable method.
As I have defined two variable in "FlowsInput" wrapper class, so I am getting two option in picklist.
Please also refer this :
Your answer provided me a way to declare variables and pass them to the apex class, but it does not tell you how to populate the public String accountPreviousName; and public String DMLResult; so that you can actually pass something back to the flow.
public class SSFInvokeMethod{
@InvocableMethod(label='Invoke SSFInvokeMethod' Description='Update Account Object with new name')
public static List<methodOutputs> invokeThisMethod(List<methodInputs> request) {
// request[0].accountSobj is an Account Object record.
methodOutputs fo = new methodOutputs() ;
fo.accountPreviousName = request[0].accountSobj.Name ;
// Update the request[0].accountSobj (account object) Name to its new value
request[0].accountSobj.Name = request[0].newAccountName ;
update request[0].accountSobj ;
fo.DMLResult = 'Success' ;
} catch(Exception e){
fo.DMLResult = 'Error' ;
List<MethodOutputs> theResults = new List<MethodOutputs>();
theResults.add(fo) ;
return theResults;
//input details that comes to apex from flow
public class methodInputs{
public Account accountSobj;
public String newAccountName;
//output details which goes from apex to flow
public class methodOutputs{
public String accountPreviousName ;
public String DMLResult ;
// Test Class
public class SSFInvokeMethodTester {
@isTest static void TestInvokeThisMethod(){
String accountNameNew = 'How Now Brown Cow Enterprises' ;
//Create Account
String AccountNameOrig ='Acme' ;
Account testAcct = new Account() ;
testAcct.Name = AccountNameOrig ;
testAcct.Phone = '(415)555-1212';
testAcct.NumberOfEmployees = 100;
Insert testAcct ;
Account acctQuery = [select Id, Name from Account where Id = ] ;
// Load Input Parameters
SSFInvokeMethod.methodInputs params = new SSFInvokeMethod.methodInputs() ;
params.accountSobj = acctQuery ;
List<SSFInvokeMethod.methodInputs> paramList = new List<SSFInvokeMethod.methodInputs>() ;
paramList.add(params) ;
List<SSFInvokeMethod.methodOutputs> returnedResults = SSFInvokeMethod.invokeThisMethod(paramList) ;
System.debug('result DMLResult: ' + returnedResults[0].DMLResult ) ;
System.debug('result accountPreviousName: ' + returnedResults[0].accountPreviousName ) ;
System.assertEquals( returnedResults[0].DMLResult , 'Success' , 'DMLResult failed assertion');
System.assertEquals( returnedResults[0].accountPreviousName , AccountNameOrig , 'accountPreviousName failed assertion');
how you passw in the flow intermace the input of type methodInputs?