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ERROR: You do not have access to the [ScratchOrgInfo] object

I have a problem with my trailhead "Quick Start: Salesforce DX".
I'm trying to do this:
sfdx force:org:create -s -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a "default scratch org"

But become an Error: You do not have access to the [scratchorginfo] object

I make all right, step by step. Connected status is "Connected". How can I fix it?

I get it. U need to use a new Dev org (
Garris JackGarris Jack
Check first if you're connected to the devhub (sfdx force:org:list).
Tom MyersTom Myers
Just first enable the Dev Hub in the org you are using. You do not need to create a new org:  Setup | Dev Hub | Enable Dev Hub 
Joyce Riggans 4Joyce Riggans 4
Thank you! This information is still helpful in 2021.