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System Admin 949System Admin 949 

Creating the Clone Button using Lightning Components

Hi All,
I am new to the Lightning Components,can any one provide the sample  code for creating the custom clonebutton for Quote object.
how to learn the lightning components deeply,can any one provide the lightning blogs.
thanks in advance
Bhargavi TunuguntlaBhargavi Tunuguntla

Please refer the below link this will be useful :

This is for clone button in Lightning component.


Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Refer this link for sample code
Based on Naval Sharma's CloneOpp component, I've written my own which is similar except opens the opportunity edit page before cloning, and allow other opportunity line item fields to be editable in the table before cloning the lines.  It hasn't been tested outside of our own org but I hope it helps someone: