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David WeryDavid Wery 

Product Catalog - Best Practices

We are currently implementing a product catalog in our Sales and Services process. Our need is to be able to define a technical Product that will be used on several commercial offers, with different prices (alone or part of a bundle).

I've seen in the model that a PricebookEntry have 2 lookup fiels on Product and PriceBook. So, we could theoritically have the same product applied to the same Pricebook multiple times, that would fit our needs (on PricebookEntry per commercial offer with specific prices and which links to the Product entity).

Unfortunatly, I see that this is not possible to have the same product, multiple time in the same Pricebook (for example, see

Before creating new custom objects to fix our needs, I would like to know what is the State of the Art way of managing such needs inside SFDC.
