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Arpan ChoudharyArpan Choudhary 

Getting error while pushing data in scratch org


I am getting below error while pushing data into scratch org. My Sandbox have these standard fields but in Scratch org i cant find these fields. It was written somewhere to enable email tracking. i have enabled email tracking from sales > Activity Settings > Enable Email Tracking. But still i am not able to see these standard fields and getting these eror. Please let me know how it can be done. either by configuring in project-scratch-def file or any other way.

force-app\main\default\objects\EmailMessage\fields\FirstOpenedDate.field-meta.xml Could not resolve standard field's name. (56:13)
force-app\main\default\objects\EmailMessage\fields\LastOpenedDate.field-meta.xml Could not resolve standard field's name. (83:13)

Arpan Choudhary
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Its an API version mismatch i guess .. EmailMessage are having the below fileds on version 44.0

These fields are new.
• FirstOpenedDate
• IsBounced
• IsOpened
• IsTracked
• LastOpenedDate
Arpan ChoudharyArpan Choudhary

Thanks for the reply i also figured out the same. But the problem is this my Sandbox is having api Version 44.0 and Scratch Org i create automatically takes version as 43.0 and when i push the data by changing package.xml version to 44.0 it gives me error "Invalid version specified:44.0". So is there any way we can create Scratch Org with Version Specified as 44.0. So i can get these new fields in my Scratch Org.