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Guilherme LozerGuilherme Lozer 

Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Superbadge Step #6

Hello people,

I am stucked on this erro "Didn't find the All Lusso Scarpe Employee group record page." for a very long time. I already have searched on internet and none of the websites and foruns gave me any solution.
Here follows some screenshots of my Record Page and my Commuications App.

User-added image
User-added image

I really have no idea how to proceed and would be more than happy if someone could help me with that.
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Lozer,

Sorry for this issue you are facing.

May I suggest you please refer to the below links with a similar discussion which might help you further. Please let us know if this helps.

Kindly mark this as solved if the reply was helpful.

Guilherme LozerGuilherme Lozer
Unfortunately I have already seen those discussions... and yet I got no answear for my issue. I was wondering if it could be related to the activation options... as the group is public, how should I set it? As Org Default or should I specify per App and so on?
What about the components? Can I use more than just the Recommendations and Trending Topics?

Really glad for the your attention, guys!