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brijender singh rathore 16brijender singh rathore 16 

Can anyone help me with the test class for this controller class

This class is written for a VF page which will search contacts from contact objects when search button is clicked and when contact is selected it will display dispensory items which are in lookup with contacts (API - patient__c).when one or multiple dispensory items are selected by checkboxes and clicked on submit button  it will perform some operations.


public class SearchController {
  public List<contact> searchResults {get; set;}
  public Contact oContact {get; set;}
  public Dispensary_Item__c oDispensaryItem {get; set;}
  public List<string> lstProductId {get; set;}
  public List<string> lstOppId {get; set;}
  public boolean isList {get; set;}
  public string sPatientLastName {get; set;}
  public string sPatientAccountId {get; set;}

  public SearchController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
    oDispensaryItem = new Dispensary_Item__c();
    lstProductId = new List<string>();
    SearchResults = new List<contact>();
    lstOppId = new List<string>();
    isList = false;
    sPatientLastName = '';

  public PageReference search() {
    sPatientLastName = '';
    sPatientAccountId = '';
    SearchResults = [SELECT Id, Name, LastName, FirstName,, Accountid, (SELECT Id, Name, IsChecked__c, Opportunity__c, Practice__c, Product__c, Quantity__c, Price__c FROM Dispensary_Items__r) FROM contact WHERE Id = :oDispensaryItem.Patient__c Order By Name LIMIT 1];
    if(SearchResults.size() > 0) {
      List<Dispensary_Item__c> lstTempDispensaryItem = new List<Dispensary_Item__c>();
      sPatientLastName = SearchResults.get(0).LastName;
      sPatientAccountId = SearchResults.get(0).AccountId;
      if(lstTempDispensaryItem.size() > 0) {
        isList = true;
        for(Dispensary_Item__c oDispItem : lstTempDispensaryItem) {
          oDispItem.IsChecked__c = false;
      else {
        ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'Related Dispensary Item not found.'));
    else {
      ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'No record found.'));
    return null;

  public PageReference processSelected() {
    string sInsertedOpp = '';
    List<string> lstDispensaryItemId = new List<string>();
    List<Dispensary_Item__c> lstTempDispensaryItem = new List<Dispensary_Item__c>();
    for(Contact oContact : SearchResults) {
    List<Dispensary_Item__c> lstDispensaryItem = new List<Dispensary_Item__c>();
    for(Dispensary_Item__c oDispensaryItem : lstTempDispensaryItem){
      if(oDispensaryItem.IsChecked__c) {
    Set<string> setProduct = new Set<string>();
    if(setProduct.size() != lstProductId.size()) {
      ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'Please select unique Dispensary Product Item.'));
      return null;
    if(lstDispensaryItem.size() > 0) {
      String sQuery = 'SELECT Id';
      Set<String> lstFields = new Set<String>();
      Map<String,Schema.SObjectType> schemaMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
      Schema.SObjectType sobjType = schemaMap.get('Opportunity');
      Schema.DescribeSObjectResult r = sobjType.getDescribe();
      Map <String, Schema.SObjectField> fieldMap = r.fields.getMap();
      for(Schema.SObjectField sfield : fieldMap.Values()){
        schema.describefieldresult dfield = sfield.getDescribe();
        if(dfield.isCreateable()) {
          sQuery = sQuery + ', ' + String.valueOf(dfield.getname());
      sQuery = sQuery + ' FROM Opportunity WHERE Id in (';
      if(lstOppId.size() > 0) {
        integer intCount = 1;
        for(string oString : lstOppId) {
          if(intCount < lstOppId.size()) {
            sQuery = sQuery + '\''+oString+'\',';
          else {
            sQuery = sQuery + '\''+oString+'\')';
          intCount = intCount + 1;
      sQuery = sQuery + ' Order By CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 1';
      List<SObject> lstOpportunity = Database.query(sQuery);
      Sobject oOppnew = sobjType.newSobject();
      if(lstOpportunity.size() > 0) {
        SObject oOpportunity = lstOpportunity.get(0);
        for(String sField : lstFields) {
          if(sField != 'OwnerId' && sField != 'Amount' && sField != 'Create_Dispensary_Items__c'  && sField != 'Dispensary_Items_Created__c' && sField != 'StageName' && sField != 'Priority__c' && sField != 'Name' && sField != 'Source__c' && sField != 'CloseDate' && sField != 'Tracking_Number__c' && sField != 'AccountId') {
            oOppnew.put(sField, oOpportunity.get(sField));
          else if(sField == 'Create_Dispensary_Items__c') {
            oOppnew.put('Create_Dispensary_Items__c', false);
          else if(sField == 'Priority__c') {
            oOppnew.put('Priority__c', 'Other');
          else if(sField == 'Name') {
            oOppnew.put('Name', sPatientLastName);
          else if(sField == 'Source__c') {
            oOppnew.put('Source__c', '');
          else if(sField == 'CloseDate') {
            oOppnew.put('CloseDate', Date.valueOf(;
          else if(sField == 'StageName') {
            oOppnew.put('StageName', 'Order Received');
          else if(sField == 'Tracking_Number__c') {
            oOppnew.put('Tracking_Number__c', '');
          else if(sField == 'AccountId') {
            oOppnew.put('AccountId', sPatientAccountId);
        oOppnew.put('IsRefillOpportunity__c', true);
        insert oOppnew;
        if( != null) {
          sInsertedOpp = oOppnew.Id;
          List<Opportunity> lstOpportunityPriceBook = [SELECT Id, Pricebook2Id FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :oOppnew.Id AND Pricebook2Id != null LIMIT 1];
          if(lstOpportunityPriceBook.size() > 0) {
            List<PricebookEntry> lstPricebookEntry = [SELECT Id, Name, Pricebook2Id, Product2Id FROM PricebookEntry where  IsActive = true AND Product2Id in: lstProductId AND Pricebook2Id =: lstOpportunityPriceBook.get(0).Pricebook2Id];
            if(lstPricebookEntry.size() > 0) {
              Map<string, string> mapPriEntry = new Map<string, string>();
              for(PricebookEntry oPricebookEntry : lstPricebookEntry) {
                mapPriEntry.put(oPricebookEntry.Product2Id, oPricebookEntry.Id);
              if(!mapPriEntry.isEmpty()) {
                List<OpportunityLineItem> lstOppItemnew = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
                for(Dispensary_Item__c oDispensaryItem : lstDispensaryItem) {
                  OpportunityLineItem oOpportunityLineItem = new OpportunityLineItem();
                  oOpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId = oOppnew.Id;
                  if(mapPriEntry.containsKey(oDispensaryItem.Product__c)) {
                    oOpportunityLineItem.PricebookEntryId = mapPriEntry.get(oDispensaryItem.Product__c);
                  oOpportunityLineItem.UnitPrice = oDispensaryItem.Price__c;
                  oOpportunityLineItem.Quantity = oDispensaryItem.Quantity__c;
                if(lstOppItemnew.size() > 0) {
                  insert lstOppItemnew;
                oOppnew.put('Create_Dispensary_Items__c', true);
                update oOppnew;
    if(sInsertedOpp != null && sInsertedOpp != '') {
      ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Opportunity has been created: '+sInsertedOpp));
    return null;
NAME OF VF PAGE - Refill_for_Patients

@isTest (SeeAllData = true)
private class SearchController_Test{
  static void setupTestData(){
    String strRecordTypeId = [Select Id From RecordType Where SobjectType = 'account' and Name = 'Practice'].Id;
    account acc = new Account(Name='Test Account', Type = 'Customer', BillingCity = 'California', BillingPostalCode = '90001', BillingState = 'California', BillingStreet = 'Test', ShippingCity = 'California', ShippingPostalCode = '90001', ShippingState = 'California', ShippingStreet = 'Test', NPI__c = '123456', DEA__c = '1234567');
    insert acc;
    String conRecordTypeId = [Select Id From RecordType Where SobjectType = 'contact' and Name = 'Patient'].Id;
    Contact contact_Obj = new Contact(AccountId =, LastName = 'LastName515', RecordTypeId = conRecordTypeId);
    Insert contact_Obj;
    Opportunity oOpportunity = new Opportunity(Name = 'test', AccountId = acc.Id, New_or_Existing_Business__c = 'New Business', Patient__c = contact_Obj.Id, Doctor__c = acc.Id, Priority__c = 'Other', Bill_To_del2__c = 'BillToChooseClinic', Ship_To_del1__c = 'ShipToChooseClinic', Shipping_Preference__c = 'Medallian Free 1', StageName = 'Order Received', CloseDate = Date.Today(), Bill_To_del1__c = acc.Id, Ship_To_Clinic__c = acc.Id, Clinic__c = acc.Id, Pharmacy_Printed__c = true);
    insert oOpportunity;
    Dispensary_Item__c dispensary_item_Obj = new Dispensary_Item__c(DOB__c =, NPI__c = 'NPI__c489', StickIt_Label_Printed__c = false, Opportunity__c =, Patient_History_Reviewed__c = false, Patient_Gender__c = 'Male', Pharmacy_Printed__c = false, Non_CPC_Requested__c = false, PT_Refused_Counseling__c = false, IsAllergy__c = false, Prescription_s_Attached__c = false, Awaiting_Information_Send_Notification__c = false, On_Backorder_Send_Notification__c = false, Too_Soon_To_Refill_Send_Notification__c = false, Awaiting_Payment_Send_Notification__c = false, IsChecked__c = true);
    Insert dispensary_item_Obj; 
  static testMethod void test_search_UseCase1(){
    List<Contact> contact_Obj  =  [SELECT AccountId,LastName from Contact];
    List<Dispensary_Item__c> dispensary_item_Obj  =  [SELECT DOB__c,NPI__c,StickIt_Label_Printed__c,Opportunity__c,Patient_History_Reviewed__c,Patient_Gender__c,Pharmacy_Printed__c,Non_CPC_Requested__c,PT_Refused_Counseling__c,IsAllergy__c,Prescription_s_Attached__c,Awaiting_Information_Send_Notification__c,On_Backorder_Send_Notification__c,Too_Soon_To_Refill_Send_Notification__c,Awaiting_Payment_Send_Notification__c, Patient__c, IsChecked__c from Dispensary_Item__c];
    SearchController obj01 = new SearchController(new ApexPages.StandardController(contact_Obj[0]));
    obj01.searchResults = contact_Obj;
    obj01.oContact = contact_Obj[0];
    obj01.oDispensaryItem = dispensary_item_Obj[0];
    obj01.lstProductId = new List<string>();;
  static testMethod void test_processSelected_UseCase1(){
    List<Contact> contact_Obj  =  [SELECT AccountId,LastName from Contact];
    List<Dispensary_Item__c> dispensary_item_Obj  =  [SELECT DOB__c,NPI__c,StickIt_Label_Printed__c,Opportunity__c,Patient_History_Reviewed__c,Patient_Gender__c,Pharmacy_Printed__c,Non_CPC_Requested__c,PT_Refused_Counseling__c,IsAllergy__c,Prescription_s_Attached__c,Awaiting_Information_Send_Notification__c,On_Backorder_Send_Notification__c,Too_Soon_To_Refill_Send_Notification__c,Awaiting_Payment_Send_Notification__c from Dispensary_Item__c where IsChecked__c = false];
    SearchController obj01 = new SearchController(new ApexPages.StandardController(contact_Obj[0]));
    obj01.searchResults = contact_Obj;
    obj01.oContact = contact_Obj[0];
    obj01.oDispensaryItem = dispensary_item_Obj[0];
    obj01.lstProductId = new List<string>();

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
try this code

@isTest (SeeAllData = false)
private class SearchController_Test{
  static void setupTestData(){
    String strRecordTypeId = [Select Id From RecordType Where SobjectType = 'account' and Name = 'Practice'].Id;
    account acc = new Account(Name='Test Account', Type = 'Customer', BillingCity = 'California', BillingPostalCode = '90001', BillingState = 'California', BillingStreet = 'Test', ShippingCity = 'California', ShippingPostalCode = '90001', ShippingState = 'California', ShippingStreet = 'Test', NPI__c = '123456', DEA__c = '1234567');
    insert acc;
    String conRecordTypeId = [Select Id From RecordType Where SobjectType = 'contact' and Name = 'Patient'].Id;
	Contact contact_Obj = new Contact(AccountId =, LastName = 'LastName515', RecordTypeId = conRecordTypeId);
    Insert contact_Obj;
    Opportunity oOpportunity = new Opportunity(Name = 'test', AccountId = acc.Id, New_or_Existing_Business__c = 'New Business', Patient__c = contact_Obj.Id, Doctor__c = acc.Id, Priority__c = 'Other', Bill_To_del2__c = 'BillToChooseClinic', Ship_To_del1__c = 'ShipToChooseClinic', Shipping_Preference__c = 'Medallian Free 1', StageName = 'Order Received', CloseDate = Date.Today(), Bill_To_del1__c = acc.Id, Ship_To_Clinic__c = acc.Id, Clinic__c = acc.Id, Pharmacy_Printed__c = true);
    insert oOpportunity;
	List<Dispensary_Item__c> dis = new List<Dispensary_Item__c>(0 ;
    for(Integer i = 0 ; i<10 ; i++){
	Dispensary_Item__c dispensary_item_Obj = new Dispensary_Item__c(DOB__c =, NPI__c = 'NPI__c489', StickIt_Label_Printed__c = false, Opportunity__c =, Patient_History_Reviewed__c = false, Patient_Gender__c = 'Male', Pharmacy_Printed__c = false, Non_CPC_Requested__c = false, PT_Refused_Counseling__c = false, IsAllergy__c = false, Prescription_s_Attached__c = false, Awaiting_Information_Send_Notification__c = false, On_Backorder_Send_Notification__c = false, Too_Soon_To_Refill_Send_Notification__c = false, Awaiting_Payment_Send_Notification__c = false, IsChecked__c = true);
	dispensary_item_Obj.Patient__c = contact_Obj.Id ;
	Insert dis; 
  static testMethod void test_search_UseCase1(){
	Contact contact_Obj =  [SELECT AccountId,LastName from Contact Limit 1];

Dispensary_Item__c dispensary_item_Obj  =  [SELECT DOB__c,NPI__c,StickIt_Label_Printed__c,Opportunity__c,Patient_History_Reviewed__c,Patient_Gender__c,Pharmacy_Printed__c,Non_CPC_Requested__c,PT_Refused_Counseling__c,IsAllergy__c,Prescription_s_Attached__c,Awaiting_Information_Send_Notification__c,On_Backorder_Send_Notification__c,Too_Soon_To_Refill_Send_Notification__c,Awaiting_Payment_Send_Notification__c, Patient__c, IsChecked__c from Dispensary_Item__c Limit 1];

    SearchController obj01 = new SearchController(new ApexPages.StandardController(contact_Obj));
	PageReference myVfPage = Page.Refill_for_Patients;
	obj1.oDispensaryItem   =dispensary_item_Obj ;;
