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how to configure the CPQ in salesfroce ??

Hi All, 
Please support me , how to configure the CPQ in salesfroce ??
its senerio that cpq opportunity copty to salesfroce opportunity cpq account to salesfroce account cpq contact to salesfroce contect
is it possible that web API or Configure the CPQ in salesfroce pelase suggets me ?
 if cpq coniger the salsefroce then pealse how to configure the cpq in salsesfroce 

Thanks in advance dear 
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

I would suggest you refer below salesforce help article to intsall and configure the CPQ in Salesforce.
   Please mark it as solved if my reply was helpful. It will make it available for other as the proper solution.
Best Regards

hi Sandhya 
thanks for giving me quick repaly but links not more effective.pealse anyone suggets me if any video or other links 
