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Nick Keehan
Basic test class for creating records
HI Guys.
Looking for some help writing a test class. Very basic, just record creation.
Visualforce page is basic, just standard controller Account.
I had a look online for an example to use.
This is what has given me a low code coverage.
Looking for some help writing a test class. Very basic, just record creation.
Visualforce page is basic, just standard controller Account.
public class AccExtension4 { private final Account objacc; public AccExtension4(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { this.objacc=(Account)controller.getrecord(); } public Account acc {get; set;} public Opportunity opp {get; set;} Account cust = new Account(); Opportunity opps = new Opportunity(); public PageReference Save() { //Add all the class information then insert the class cust.LastName= objacc.LastName; cust.FirstName= objacc.FirstName; cust.Phone= objacc.Phone; cust.PersonMobilePhone= objacc.PersonMobilePhone; cust.PersonEmail= objacc.PersonEmail; cust.Siebel_References__c = objacc.Siebel_References__c ; cust.Customer_Row_ID__c = objacc.Customer_Row_ID__c; cust.RecordTypeid = '0120E000000aznK'; upsert cust Customer_Row_ID__c; opps.AccountId =; opps.Name = 'New Sale'; opps.Product_Name_String__c = objacc.Product_Names__c; opps.CloseDate =; opps.RecordTypeID = '012200000000re7'; opps.Customer_Type__c = 'Fixed'; opps.Call_Reason__c = 'Non Retention'; opps.Call_Reason_Detail__c = objacc.Call_Reason_Detail__c; opps.StageName = 'Closed Won'; opps.PriceBook2Id = '01sD0000000d3L2'; opps.Retention_Promotions_Offered_V2__c = objacc.Promotions_Offered__c; insert opps; return new PageReference('/'+; } }
I had a look online for an example to use.
This is what has given me a low code coverage.
@isTest public class AccExtension2Test { static testMethod void testMethod1() { Account testAccount = new Account(); testAccount.LastName= 'test last name'; testAccount.FirstName= 'test first name'; testAccount.Phone= '021000000'; testAccount.PersonMobilePhone= '021000000'; testAccount.PersonEmail= ''; testAccount.Siebel_References__c = 'tester' ; testAccount.Siebel_Customer_Row_ID__c = '32pkj-32nm'; testAccount.RecordTypeid = '012D00000003KdL'; upsert testAccount Siebel_Customer_Row_ID__c ; Test.StartTest(); ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(testAccount); AccExtension4 testAccPlan = new AccExtension4(sc); PageReference pageRef = Page.FibreSimplex; // Add your VF page Name here pageRef.getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(testAccount.Id)); Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); //; call all your function here Test.StopTest(); } }
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Notsure what im doing wrong here