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Tobi AgbedeTobi Agbede 

calendar duration endatetime must match error

Hi all,

When trying to add an event to a calendar we are getting an error message of Duration and EndDateTime must match.

The error seems to only be occuring when trying to do an event where the dates are 28 Sep 2019 - 29 Sep 2019.

User-added image

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!!

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
The issue in All day event both the start date and end date must be same .. in your case the start date and end are differnt  
Tobi AgbedeTobi Agbede
Hey Raj we have other events that are set up like this however with the dates being different and these can be saved with no issues.

It seems to be specifically for that date range

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Do you any validation on this date range?
Tobi AgbedeTobi Agbede
Hey Raj

No validations on the date range at all. I have been looking in event object for validations - should I be looking elsewhere to double check e.g. contacts, accounts, or tasks where their fields are referenced?
