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Michael Kolodner 13Michael Kolodner 13 

How to avoid governor limits in execute anonymous?

I'm trying to build a class that will put data into my sandbox for testing and training. I'll put the code in below. When I ran it in Execute Anonymous the other day it all seemed to go fine. But today it only got part way. I got governer limit warnings (but not actually exceeding. Is there a difference?) Code is below. I imagine it's not the most efficient (I'm new at this), but I don't think it's bad. I'm on NPSP, so perhaps the NPSP triggers are having something to do with it?

Here's my class:
public class tempSparkTestDataUtil {

    //Method to get a single recordTypeId by inputting Object and Record Type Name (NOT API Name -- use spaces not underscores!)
    Public static Id recordTypeId(string obj, string recTypeName){
        Id recTypeId;
        if(obj!= null && recTypeName != null){
            recTypeId = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(obj).getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName().get(recTypeName).getRecordTypeId();
            System.debug('Got record type id' + recTypeId + ' for object ' + obj + ' and record type name ' + recTypeName);
        return recTypeId;  
    //Gets the current year, gives last two digits for FY and SY usage
    public static string giveFY() {
        integer currentfiscalorschoolyear;
        if (Date.Today().Month() >= 7){
            currentfiscalorschoolyear = Date.Today().Year() + 1;
        else {
            currentfiscalorschoolyear = Date.Today().Year();
        //Get the last two digits
        string fy = (string.valueof(currentfiscalorschoolyear).right(2));
        return fy;
    // Creates the Star Wars School District
    // This could be refactored to take a region and name so that you could use it to create other regions.
    public static Id createStarWarsSchoolDistrict(string region) {
        //Create a School District Account
        Account schoolDistrict = new Account (
            Name = 'Tatooine School District',
            School_Region__c = region,
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Account', 'School District')
        insert schoolDistrict;
        return schoolDistrict.Id;
    //Creates Jedi Middle School
    // This could be refactored to take region, school name, and district name so you could use it to create multiple regions   
    public static Id createSchool(string region) {
        //Create a School on a School District
        Id district = createStarWarsSchoolDistrict(region);
        Account school = new Account (
            Name = 'Jedi Middle School',
            School_Region__c = region,
            School_District__c = district,
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Account', 'Partner School')
        insert school;
        return school.Id;
    //Method to call create students
    //First calls school creation, which calls district creation, then puts four students with parents onto the school
    public static void createJediStudents() {
        //create school
        Id jediSchool = createSchool ('Star Wars (test data)');
        list <Contact> jediKids = new list <Contact>();
        Contact luke = new Contact (
            FirstName = 'Luke',
            LastName = 'Skywalker',
            Predicted_Graduation_Year_hs__c = String.ValueOf((Integer.ValueOf(giveFY())+2005)),
            Gender__c = 'Man',
            Race__c = 'MultiRacial',
            Birthdate = (*365)),
            Family_Application_Submitted__c = true,
            Date_of_Application__c = ( - 10),
            npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c = jediSchool,
            Parent_Consent_for_Evaluation__c = true,
            Date_of_parent_release_and_waiver__c = ( - 10),
            Release_Signed_By__c = 'Aunt Beroo',            
            Eval_Release_Signature__c = 'Aunt Beroo',
            Date_of_parent_evaluation_consent__c = ( - 10),
            Media_and_Photo_Release__c = true,
            Media_Release_Signature__c = 'Aunt Beroo',
            Date_of_parent_media_release__c = ( - 10),
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Spark Student')
        Contact leia = new Contact (
            FirstName = 'Princess Leia',
            LastName = 'Organa',
            Predicted_Graduation_Year_hs__c = String.ValueOf((Integer.ValueOf(giveFY())+2005)),
            Gender__c = 'Woman',
            Race__c = 'MultiRacial',
            Birthdate = (*365)),
            Family_Application_Submitted__c = true,
            Date_of_Application__c = ( - 10),
            npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c = jediSchool,
            Parent_Consent_for_Evaluation__c = true,
            Date_of_parent_release_and_waiver__c = ( - 10),
            Release_Signed_By__c = 'Queen Amidala',
            Eval_Release_Signature__c = 'Queen Amidala',
            Date_of_parent_evaluation_consent__c = ( - 10),
            Media_and_Photo_Release__c = true,
            Media_Release_Signature__c = 'Queen Amidala',
            Date_of_parent_media_release__c = ( - 10),
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Spark Student')
        Contact han = new Contact (
            FirstName = 'Han',
            LastName = 'Solo',
            Predicted_Graduation_Year_hs__c = String.ValueOf((Integer.ValueOf(giveFY())+2005)),
            Gender__c = 'Man',
            Race__c = 'MultiRacial',
            Birthdate = (*365)),
            Family_Application_Submitted__c = true,
            Date_of_Application__c = ( - 10),
            npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c = jediSchool,
            Parent_Consent_for_Evaluation__c = true,
            Date_of_parent_release_and_waiver__c = ( - 10),
            Release_Signed_By__c = 'Mrs. Solo',
            Eval_Release_Signature__c = 'Mrs. Solo',
            Date_of_parent_evaluation_consent__c = ( - 10),
            Media_and_Photo_Release__c = true,
            Media_Release_Signature__c = 'Mrs. Solo',
            Date_of_parent_media_release__c = ( - 10),
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Spark Student')
        Contact chewie = new Contact (
            FirstName = 'Chewbacca',
            LastName = 'Wookie',
            Predicted_Graduation_Year_hs__c = String.ValueOf((Integer.ValueOf(giveFY())+2005)),
            Gender__c = 'Man',
            Race__c = 'MultiRacial',
            Birthdate = (*365)),
            Family_Application_Submitted__c = true,
            Date_of_Application__c = ( - 10),
            npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c = jediSchool,
            Parent_Consent_for_Evaluation__c = true,
            Date_of_parent_release_and_waiver__c = ( - 10),
            Release_Signed_By__c = 'Mama Wookie',
            Eval_Release_Signature__c = 'Mama Wookie',
            Date_of_parent_evaluation_consent__c = ( - 10),
            Media_and_Photo_Release__c = true,
            Media_Release_Signature__c = 'Mama Wookie',
            Date_of_parent_media_release__c = ( - 10),
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Spark Student')
        Contact beroo = new Contact (
            FirstName = 'Aunt',
            LastName = 'Beroo',
            npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c = jediSchool,
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Student Family Member')
        Contact amidala = new Contact (
            FirstName = 'Queen',
            LastName = 'Amidala',
            npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c = jediSchool,
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Student Family Member')
        Contact wookie = new Contact (
            FirstName = 'Mrs.',
            LastName = 'Wookie',
            npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c = jediSchool,
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Student Family Member')
        Contact solo = new Contact (
            FirstName = 'Mrs.',
            LastName = 'Solo',
            npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c = jediSchool,
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Student Family Member')
        insert jediKids;
        //need to loop through putting the parents onto the kids' records
        Id auntBeroo = [SELECT Id from Contact WHERE LastName = 'Beroo'].Id;
        Id queenAmidala = [SELECT Id from Contact WHERE LastName = 'Amidala'].Id;
        Id mrsWookie = [SELECT Id from Contact WHERE LastName = 'Wookie' AND FirstName = 'Mrs.'].Id;
        Id mrsSolo = [SELECT Id from Contact WHERE LastName = 'Solo' AND FirstName = 'Mrs.'].Id;
        Contact lukeCreated = [SELECT Id from Contact WHERE LastName = 'Skywalker'];
        Contact leiaCreated = [SELECT Id from Contact WHERE LastName = 'Organa'];
        Contact chewieCreated = [SELECT Id from Contact WHERE LastName = 'Wookie' AND FirstName = 'Chewbacca'];
        Contact hanCreated = [SELECT Id from Contact WHERE LastName = 'Solo' AND FirstName = 'Han'];
        lukeCreated.Primary_Parent__c = auntBeroo;
        update lukeCreated;
        leiaCreated.Primary_Parent__c = queenAmidala;
        update leiaCreated;
        hanCreated.Primary_Parent__c = mrsSolo;
        update hanCreated;
        chewieCreated.Primary_Parent__c = mrsWookie;
        update chewieCreated;
    //Method to create a budget campaign hierarchy for the current FY    
    public static void createCampaignHierarchy(){
        string fy = giveFY();
        Campaign camptop = new Campaign (
            Name = ('Hierarchy Top FY' + fy),
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Campaign', 'Parent Campaign')
        insert camptop;
        List<Campaign> allcamps = new List<Campaign>();
        Campaign corpParts = new Campaign (
            Name = ('Corporate Partners FY'+ fy),
            ParentId = camptop.Id,
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Campaign', 'Primary Campaign')
        Campaign indivs = new Campaign (
            Name = ('Individuals FY'+ fy),
            ParentId = camptop.Id,
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Campaign', 'Primary Campaign')
        Campaign schoolFees = new Campaign (
            Name = ('School Fees FY' + fy),
            ParentId = camptop.Id,
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Campaign', 'Primary Campaign')
        insert allcamps;
    //Method to create a budget campaign hierarchy for the next FY    
    public static void createNextYrCampaignHierarchy(){
        integer nextfy =  Integer.ValueOf(giveFY())+1;
        string fytouse = string.valueOf(nextfy);
        Campaign camptopnextyr = new Campaign (
            Name = ('Hierarchy Top FY' + fytouse),
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Campaign', 'Parent Campaign')
        insert camptopnextyr;
        List<Campaign> allcamps = new List<Campaign>();
        Campaign corpParts = new Campaign (
            Name = ('Corporate Partners FY'+ fytouse),
            ParentId = camptopnextyr.Id,
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Campaign', 'Primary Campaign')
        Campaign indivs = new Campaign (
            Name = ('Individuals FY'+ fytouse),
            ParentId = camptopnextyr.Id,
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Campaign', 'Primary Campaign')
        Campaign schoolFees = new Campaign (
            Name = ('School Fees FY' + fytouse),
            ParentId = camptopnextyr.Id,
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Campaign', 'Primary Campaign')
        insert allcamps;
    //Method to create two Accounts in Star Wars land, with two mentors on each.
    // This could be refactored to take region and a couple of contact names, then it could create companies in multiple regions.
    // To do this you'll also have to introduce some variable into contact and account names.
    // Another option to to leave this a method specific to Star Wars contacts. Then make a method for creating generic contacts with accounts.    
    public static void createStarWarsCompaniesWithMentors(){
        //Create Companies
        list <Account> accts = new list <Account>();
        Account acct1 = new Account (
            Name='Death Star Demolition',
            Account_Region__c = 'Star Wars (test data)',
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Account', 'Corporate')
        accts.add (acct1);
        Account acct2 = new Account (
            Name='Jedi Airlines',
            Account_Region__c = 'Star Wars (test data)',
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Account', 'Corporate')
        accts.add (acct2);
        insert accts;
        //Create Mentors on Companies
        list <Contact> mentors = new list <Contact>();
        Contact contact1 = new Contact (
            FirstName = 'Blasty',
            LastName = 'Explosion',
            Volunteer_Region__c = 'Star Wars (test data)',
            npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c = acct1.Id,
            Email = '',
            Creativity__c = 2,
            Communication__c = 2,
            Following_directions__c = 1,
            Helping_Others__c = 3,
            Influencing_others__c = 3,
            Operating_Machines__c = 2,
            Planning__c = 2,
            Reading_and_Writing__c = 2,
            Research_and_Logic__c = 3,
            Singing_and_acting__c = 1,
            Solving_problems__c = 1,
            Understanding_Shapes__c = 3,
            Working_with_others__c = 1,
            Attention_to_detail__c = 1,
            Career_Area_Industry__c = 'Entertainment',
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Individual')
        mentors.add (contact1);
        Contact contact2 = new Contact (
            FirstName = 'Heroic',
            LastName = 'Knight',
            Volunteer_Region__c = 'Star Wars (test data)',
            npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c = acct2.Id,
            Email = '',
            Creativity__c = 3,
            Communication__c = 2,
            Following_directions__c = 3,
            Helping_Others__c = 3,
            Influencing_others__c = 3,
            Operating_Machines__c = 1,
            Planning__c = 2,
            Reading_and_Writing__c = 2,
            Research_and_Logic__c = 1,
            Singing_and_acting__c = 1,
            Solving_problems__c = 1,
            Understanding_Shapes__c = 1,
            Working_with_others__c = 1,
            Attention_to_detail__c = 1,
            Career_Area_Industry__c = 'Entertainment',
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Individual')
        mentors.add (contact2);
        Contact contact3 = new Contact (
            FirstName = 'Smash',
            LastName = 'Stuff',
            Volunteer_Region__c = 'Star Wars (test data)',
            npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c = acct1.Id,
            Email = '',
            Creativity__c = 1,
            Communication__c = 1,
            Following_directions__c = 3,
            Helping_Others__c = 1,
            Influencing_others__c = 1,
            Operating_Machines__c = 3,
            Planning__c = 2,
            Reading_and_Writing__c = 2,
            Research_and_Logic__c = 3,
            Singing_and_acting__c = 1,
            Solving_problems__c = 1,
            Understanding_Shapes__c = 3,
            Working_with_others__c = 3,
            Attention_to_detail__c = 1,
            Career_Area_Industry__c = 'Entertainment',
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Individual')
        mentors.add (contact3);
        Contact contact4 = new Contact (
            FirstName = 'Wave',
            LastName = 'McLightsaber',
            Volunteer_Region__c = 'Star Wars (test data)',
            npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c = acct2.Id,
            Email = '',
            Creativity__c = 3,
            Communication__c = 3,
            Following_directions__c = 3,
            Helping_Others__c = 3,
            Influencing_others__c = 3,
            Operating_Machines__c = 1,
            Planning__c = 1,
            Reading_and_Writing__c = 1,
            Research_and_Logic__c = 3,
            Singing_and_acting__c = 3,
            Solving_problems__c = 3,
            Understanding_Shapes__c = 1,
            Working_with_others__c = 1,
            Attention_to_detail__c = 1,
            Career_Area_Industry__c = 'Entertainment',
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Individual')
        mentors.add (contact4);
        insert mentors;
    //Method to create the Star Wars Recruitment Campaigns for students and mentors
    public static void createStarWarsMentorRecruitCamp(){
        string sy = giveFY();
        List<Campaign> recruitCamps = new List<Campaign>();
        Campaign mentrec = new Campaign (
            Name = ('Star Wars (test) Mentor Recruitment Spring SY'+ sy),
            Type = 'Volunteer Recruitment',
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Campaign', 'Mentor Recruitment'),
            School_Year__c = sy,
            Region__c = 'Star Wars (test)',
            Description = 'Mentor recruitment in the star wars region',
            Status = 'In Progress',
            StartDate =,
            EndDate =,
            IsActive = true
        Campaign sturec = new Campaign (
            Name = ('Star Wars (test) Student Recruitment SY'+ sy),
            Type = 'Student Enrollment',
            RecordTypeId = recordTypeId('Campaign', 'Student Enrollment'),
            School_Year__c = sy,
            Region__c = 'Star Wars (test)',
            Description = 'student enrollment in the star wars region',
            Status = 'In Progress',
            StartDate =,
            EndDate =,
            IsActive = true
        insert recruitCamps;
        //in Prod, statuses are set by AAKonsult. Need the statuses of Qualified and Cleared on the campaign.
        List<CampaignMemberStatus> cms = new List<CampaignMemberStatus>();
        CampaignMemberStatus qual = new CampaignMemberStatus (
            CampaignID = mentrec.Id,
            Label = 'Qualified',
            HasResponded = true
        CampaignMemberStatus clear = new CampaignMemberStatus (
            CampaignID = mentrec.Id,
            Label = 'Cleared',
            HasResponded = true
        insert cms;
    public static void createStarWarsPrograms(){
        List<yat__Program__c> progs = new List<yat__Program__c>();
        Campaign stuEnrollCamp = [SELECT Id FROM Campaign WHERE Name LIKE '%Star Wars (test) Student Recruitment SY%'];
        yat__Program__c labProg = new yat__Program__c (
            Name = ('Jedi Middle School Fall SY' + giveFY()),
            RecordTypeID = recordTypeId('yat__Program__c', 'Mentorship'),
            School__c = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Jedi Middle School'].Id,
            yat__Program_Season__c = 'Fall',
            yat__Program_Year__c = ('SY' + giveFY()),
            Student_Enrollment_Campaign__c = stuEnrollCamp.Id
        yat__Program__c mentorship = new yat__Program__c (
            Name = ('Jedi Middle School Spring SY' + giveFY()),
            RecordTypeID = recordTypeId('yat__Program__c', 'Spark Lab'),
            School__c = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Jedi Middle School'].Id,
            yat__Program_Season__c = 'Spring',
            yat__Program_Year__c = ('SY' + giveFY()),
            Student_Enrollment_Campaign__c = stuEnrollCamp.Id
        yat__Program__c hspProg = new yat__Program__c (
            Name = ('Jedi Middle School HSP SY' + giveFY()),
            RecordTypeID = recordTypeId('yat__Program__c', 'HSP'),
            School__c = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Jedi Middle School'].Id,
            yat__Program_Year__c = ('SY' + giveFY()),
            Student_Enrollment_Campaign__c = stuEnrollCamp.Id
        insert progs;

    //Put mentors onto campaign in status Qualified. (This will create Catalog Entries for them because there is a Process Builder.)
    public static void putMentorsOnCampaign(){
        string mentorRecType = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Individual');
        list<Contact> mentors = [SELECT Id from Contact WHERE RecordTypeId = '%mentorRecType%'];
        system.debug('mentors are ' + mentors);
        Campaign mentEnrollCamp = [SELECT Id FROM Campaign WHERE Name LIKE '%Star Wars (test) Mentor Recruitment Spring SY%'];
        system.debug('campaign is ' + mentEnrollCamp);
        //you've got the list of mentors, now loop through putting them on the campaign
        list<CampaignMember> cMembers = new list<CampaignMember>();
        for (Contact currentMentor:mentors) {
            CampaignMember campMemb = new CampaignMember(
            	ContactId = currentMentor.Id,
                CampaignID = mentEnrollCamp.Id,
                Status = 'Qualified'
        system.debug('About to insert the list of campaign members, one for each mentor');
        insert cMembers;
        //Put students onto campaign.
    public static void putStudentsOnCampaign(){
        string stuRecordType = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Spark Student');
        list<Contact> students = [SELECT Id from Contact WHERE RecordTypeId = '%stuRecordType%'];
        system.debug('students are ' + students);
        Campaign stuEnrollCamp = [SELECT Id FROM Campaign WHERE Name LIKE '%Star Wars (test) Student Recruitment SY%'];
        system.debug('campaign is ' + stuEnrollCamp);
        //you've got the list of students, now loop through putting them on the campaign
        list<CampaignMember> cStudents = new list<CampaignMember>();
        for (Contact currentStudent:students) {
            CampaignMember campMemb = new CampaignMember(
            	ContactId = currentStudent.Id,
                CampaignID = stuEnrollCamp.Id
        system.debug('About to insert the list of campaign members, one for each student');
        insert cStudents;
    public static void putProgramOnCatEnts(){
        yat__Program__c prog = [SELECT Id from yat__Program__c WHERE Name LIKE '%Jedi Middle School Spring%' LIMIT 1];
        system.debug('prog is ' + prog);
        list<Catalog_Entry__c> catentsForProgs = [SELECT Id from Catalog_Entry__c];
        system.debug('catentsForProgs is ' + catentsForProgs);
        system.debug('About to update Assigned Programs on each catentForProg');
        for (Catalog_Entry__c currentCatEnt:catentsForProgs) {
            currentCatEnt.Assigned_Program__c = prog.Id;
            update currentCatEnt;
        public static void putMentorships(){
        string stuRecordType = recordTypeId('Contact', 'Spark Student');
        yat__Program__c prog = [SELECT Id from yat__Program__c WHERE Name LIKE '%Jedi Middle School Spring%' LIMIT 1];
        list<Contact> students = [SELECT Id, Full_Name__c, Spark_ID__c, npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c from Contact WHERE RecordTypeId = '%stuRecordType%'];
        system.debug('students are ' + students);
        list<Apprenticeship__c> apprents = new list<Apprenticeship__c>();
            for (Contact currentStudent:students) {
            Apprenticeship__c mentorship = new Apprenticeship__c(
            	Name = currentStudent.Full_Name__c + 'mentorship',
                School__c = currentStudent.npsp__Primary_Affiliation__c,
                Program__c = prog.Id,
                StageName__c = 'Student Requested',
                Creativity__c = 2,
                Attention_to_detail__c = 2,
                Communication__c = 3,
                Reading_and_Writing__c = 1,
                Planning__c = 3
            insert apprents;
And here's the execute anonymous I used to run it and create actual records: