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Pasan Eeriyagama
Apex Metadata API Layout Read-only fields being added as Read-write
We have Layout Read-only fields to be added. Seems like a bug, when we try to add read-only fields they become read-write on layout. Please see below example.
Above code will add testfield__c field to Account standard layout. But it shows as Readonly in Layout editor. But in Account both view and edit modes it's read-write.
On Layout editor:
On View/Edit mode:
It's actually editable and saving data to Account object here. Feel free to try out above code snippet. Appreciate any fix/workaround for this. Thanks.
public class metadatatest { public static void runUpdateLayouts(){ Metadata.Layout la = getLayout('Account-Account Layout'); Metadata.LayoutSection sec = new Metadata.LayoutSection(); sec.customLabel = true; sec.detailHeading = true; sec.editHeading = true; sec.label = 'Custom fields'; = metadata.LayoutSectionStyle.OneColumn; Metadata.LayoutColumn col1 = new Metadata.LayoutColumn(); Metadata.LayoutItem layoutField = new Metadata.LayoutItem(); layoutField.field = 'testfield__c'; layoutField.behavior = metadata.UiBehavior.Readonly; col1.layoutItems.add(layoutField); sec.layoutColumns.add(col1); la.layoutSections.add(sec); Metadata.DeployContainer dc = new Metadata.DeployContainer(); dc.addMetadata(la); Id jobid = Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment(dc,null); } public static Metadata.Layout getLayout(String layoutName){ List<String> layoutList = new List<String>{layoutName}; List<Metadata.Metadata> components = Metadata.Operations.retrieve(Metadata.MetadataType.Layout, layoutList); return (Metadata.Layout)components[0]; } }
Above code will add testfield__c field to Account standard layout. But it shows as Readonly in Layout editor. But in Account both view and edit modes it's read-write.
On Layout editor:
On View/Edit mode:
It's actually editable and saving data to Account object here. Feel free to try out above code snippet. Appreciate any fix/workaround for this. Thanks.
The "Edit read-only fields" permission is set to the System Administrator profile. Have you tested under a different profile that does not have that permission set?
Please let us know for further clarification.
All Answers
The "Edit read-only fields" permission is set to the System Administrator profile. Have you tested under a different profile that does not have that permission set?
Please let us know for further clarification.
You need to check field level security for various profile
Amol Salve
Salesforce developer
public class UpdateContactPageLayout {
public Metadata.Layout addLayoutItem() {
// Retrieve Account layout and section
List<Metadata.Metadata> layoutsList = Metadata.Operations.retrieve(Metadata.MetadataType.Layout,
new List<String> {'Contact-Contact Layout'});
Metadata.Layout layoutMetadata = (Metadata.Layout) layoutsList.get(0);
Metadata.LayoutSection contactLayoutSection = null;
List<Metadata.LayoutSection> layoutSections = layoutMetadata.layoutSections;
for (Metadata.LayoutSection section : layoutSections) {
if (section.label == 'Additional Information') {
contactLayoutSection = section;
// Add the field under Account info section in the left column
List<Metadata.LayoutColumn> contactColumns = contactLayoutSection.layoutColumns;
List<Metadata.LayoutItem> contactLayoutItems = contactColumns .get(0).layoutItems;
// Create a new layout item for the custom field
Metadata.LayoutItem newField = new Metadata.LayoutItem();
newField .behavior = Metadata.UiBehavior.Edit;
newField .field = 'AMAPI__Apex_MD_API_Twitter_name__c';
return layoutMetadata ;
public class UpdateContactPageLayout {
public Metadata.Layout addLayoutItem (){
List<Metadata.Metadata> layoutsList = Metadata.Operations.retrieve(Metadata.MetadataType.Layout,
new List<String> {'Contact-Contact Layout'});
Metadata.Layout layoutMetadata = (Metadata.Layout) layoutsList.get(0);
Metadata.LayoutSection contactLayoutSection = null;
for(Metadata.LayoutSection section : layoutMetadata.LayoutSections){
if(section.label == 'Additional Information'){
contactLayoutSection = section;
List<Metadata.LayoutColumn> contactColumns = contactLayoutSection.layoutColumns ;
List<Metadata.LayoutItem> contactLayoutItems = contactColumns.get(0).layoutItems ;
Metadata.LayoutItem newField = new Metadata.LayoutItem();
newField.behavior = Metadata.UiBehavior.Edit;
newField.field = 'AMAPI__Apex_MD_API_Twitter_name__c';
return layoutMetadata;
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