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Megan MuldaryMegan Muldary 

Create Object-Specific Quick Actions Failing

I am working on the Salesforce1 Mobile Customization Badge and am in the module for the object specific quick actions. I have followed these steps:

Create a quick action on the event object for entering a prospective buyer's feedback
Your brokers want to capture the feedback of their potential buyers after they look at a property. Create a quick action on the event object so brokers can update an event with their notes immediately after a showing. Add the action to the publisher for the Showing layout.
Create a quick action for the event object
Action type: Update a Record
Label: Enter Feedback
Remove all the fields on the page layout except for Name
Put the Feedback field on the page layout
Add the Enter Feedback quick action to the publisher for the Showing Layout. You might have to override the predefined actions in the Salesforce1 section of the publisher.

And have this action done with layout streamlined:
User-added image

And the placement of the action:

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But I still get this error for Name and Feedback missing? 

User-added image

If anyone can help, that would be greatly appreciated. I am not sure what I am missing. 
Matthew Coker 16Matthew Coker 16
Im facing a similar problem. In my org, the feedback field doesnt even exist.

Here is my post:
Megan MuldaryMegan Muldary
Yeah - I noticed that to but created it in the Activity object and added it through that way...but even after that, they aren't being recognized on the event or showings page layout.
Matthew Coker 16Matthew Coker 16
I created the field as you said on the Activity object and passed the challenge. I made the Feedback field a Text field, 255 characters, available on all pagelayouts, and visible to all users. I also placed the field just beneath the Name field instead of next to it on the Enter Feedback Action Layout. Let me know if that works in your org.
Ankit Shrivastava 7Ankit Shrivastava 7
I am getting an error which says "Could not find the 'Enter Feedback' quick action in the publisher for the 'Showing Layout' layout". But I have added the "Enter Feedback" quick action to "the publisher for the showing layout".
Devan ThorneDevan Thorne
I am having the same problem @Ankit, did you find a way to get it resolved? I have spent 5 hours on this today. Any suggestions or help would be apprecitiated. 
Ankit Shrivastava 7Ankit Shrivastava 7
@Devan, I have got this issue resolved. In the unit "Create Object-Specific Quick Actions" there is a sub-topic named "Customize the Event Object for Showings". Follow the steps given in the topic and you will be good to go. Also complete "Create a Lookup Field for Showings", this will help you in the next unit "Customize Compact Layouts". Hope this helps. :)
Ankit Shrivastava 7Ankit Shrivastava 7
@Devan, you will also have to create a "Feedback" Text field type(255 char) in Activity Object and make is visible for every other object as mentioned above by @Matthew. Tell me if everything works out fine. :)
Megan MuldaryMegan Muldary
I was able to get this solved by created the field first, then the action, then the page layout modifications. From what I can tell, it has to go in most granular to least granular order to pass the check on the badge. Good luck!
Ankit Shrivastava 7Ankit Shrivastava 7
Yes, we will have to create the field first because that is the prerequisite to follow the steps mentioned under sub-topic "Customize the Event Object for Showings".
Devan ThorneDevan Thorne
Spent a few hours this morning and I am still not getting it. I appreciate everyone helped me. Replicated those steps as suggested and even  moved on to other lessons and completed those just fine. I will keep going after it. Wonder if anyone can create a short video showing the steps because I am clearly missing something so very obvious in front of my eyes. 
Todd TronsonTodd Tronson
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Name' and 'Feedback' fields either do not appear on the new action page layout or they are not the only fields present."

Going back through and in the section Create a Lookup Field for Showings There are no Fields & Relationships, I follow the steps to add one and get this when I hit Save.

Validation Errors While Saving Record(s)
There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "Lookups on activites must have a unique domain. You can not have multiple relationships to the same object.". 

Ankit Shrivastava 7Ankit Shrivastava 7
The following are the steps which I followed:

1) Created a "Feedback" field of type Text, characters 255 on the Activity Object.

2) Navigate to the Event object and create the Quick Action. Remove all the fields except Name and put the Feedback field below name field. Also remove the blank spaces from the layout.

     Navigated to the link given above and followed the steps under the sub-topics "Customize the Event Object for Showings" and "Create a          Lookup Field for Showings".

4) Add your Quick Action in the Showing Layout.

4) The sub-topic "Create a Lookup Field for Showings" will help you in the next unit.

​5) Check challenge. :)
Ankit Shrivastava 7Ankit Shrivastava 7
Hey @Ana, I'll write the steps to be followed.
  • Login to the trailhead.
  • Search for Object Manager in Quick Find box (It may be already present as a tab).
  • Seach for Activity Object (it should be 3rd from top).
  • Navigate to Fields and Relationships tab.
  • After this, you are good to go.
Hope this helps. :)
Ankit Shrivastava 7Ankit Shrivastava 7
@Ana, your comment is removed.
Henrique OrtizHenrique Ortiz

Hello guys, I'm having the same issue.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find the 'Enter Feedback' quick action in the publisher for the 'Showing Layout' layout.

I've tried everything.

How can put the Enter Feedback in the publisher?

Franck DiazFranck Diaz
Hi  @Ankit Shrivastava, @ll
I have followed your steps , from :
In the unit "Create Object-Specific Quick Actions" there is a sub-topic named "Customize the Event Object for Showings". Follow the steps given in the topic and you will be good to go. Also complete "Create a Lookup Field for Showings", this will help you in the next unit "Customize Compact Layouts".
I also create the feedback field, anyway I'm still not able to validate the challenge.
Could not find the 'Enter Feedback' quick action in the publisher for the 'Showing Layout' layout

Any idea, about what I could have wrong ?

Thanks in advance
Ankit Shrivastava 7Ankit Shrivastava 7
You have to create a Showing layout and add "Enter Feedback" action to that layout. There will be an Event Layout already present in Page Layouts tab of the Event object. Go for new and create a showing layout. The process to create this showing layout is given in one of the sub sections that I have mentioned before. Let me know if you have any more questions. :)
Franck DiazFranck Diaz
Thanks a lot Anklt, 
Problem solved.
I also realize that in this challenge, with IE , some process when saving seems to loop and loop. When in Chrome, it seems to work better.

Best Regards
Marshall ChuMarshall Chu

For anyone who faces the same problem, @ Matthew Coker 16's answer solved my problem. I placed the Feedback field under the Name field on the action layout and problem solved.

Thank you @ Matthew Coker 16

Ankit Shrivastava 7Ankit Shrivastava 7
You are right Frank. It's better if we use chrome for all the salesforce stuff, chrome works better and faster than IE.

Javier Peña LucenaJavier Peña Lucena
to avoid the error:
   Could not find the 'Enter Feedback' quick action in the publisher for the 'Showing Layout' layout.
you have to rename the Event layout to: Showing Layout

User-added image

good luck
Julio Perez 14Julio Perez 14
Fives stars to Matthew Coker 16, resolved challenge after about 2 hours.  In addition remember last step is to add it to the "Showing Layout".
I kept trying to add it to the Event Layout
Jason Myers 1Jason Myers 1
Do you have more detailed steps? Running into the same problem. Have added it to both layouts. Thanks.
Michael LippmanMichael Lippman
I swear, I followed the directions perfectly and also did some things that you guys said to do and it STILL isn't letting me pass it...
Michael LippmanMichael Lippman
I'm about to smash my laptop, I've done EVERYTHING you all have said AND what the instructions say to do but it still doesn't work. Also considering it's been a month since the last person posted here I'm thinking no one is going to respond.
Ankit Shrivastava 7Ankit Shrivastava 7
Hi @Michael, do not smash your laptop. I'm here to help. Check if you have created the "Feedback" field in the Activity Object and shared it across all objects. Also, please tell what is the error that you are facing at your end when you submit.
Michael LippmanMichael Lippman
Here is the error message, Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Name' and 'Feedback' fields either do not appear on the new action page layout or they are not the only fields present.
I did create the text field, that was the first thing I did before anything else. I've deleted everything and recreated everything a number of times also.
Ankit Shrivastava 7Ankit Shrivastava 7
Try placing the feedback field below the Name field in the layout. Or Try placing beside. Sometimes this also creates the problem that you are referring to.
Michael LippmanMichael Lippman
I've placed it in both places. I've put all of them in the event layout and showing layout, and just in the showing layout.
Yasmine NewmanYasmine Newman
Hi, found the solution! It's all to do with the formatting of the Action.
Make sure the Feedback field is below the Name field.

Took me a good hour haha!
Rehan KadiwalaRehan Kadiwala
Hi, did everything mentioned above tried every solution but still having this issue

'Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find the 'Enter Feedback' quick action in the publisher for the 'Showing Layout' layout.'
Any suggesstions?
Carolyn JarborCarolyn Jarbor
I followed all of the steps and tested the app on my mobile device and it's working. When I click [Check Challenge] I am getting this error: There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: MZNOHQIH. Error: Restforce::UnauthorizedError. Message: INVALID_SESSION_ID: Session expired or invalid

Please advise.
alexandre Donazzanalexandre Donazzan
I had the same trouble and in fact it is easy to solve (for me)
put your layout like me at the end of the trail and jackpot.
Enter feedBack -> page layout
alexandre Donazzanalexandre Donazzan
put your event field verticaly and not horizontaly !!!
Shawn Murray 8Shawn Murray 8
If you are getting the "Could not find the 'Enter Feedback' quick action in the publisher for the 'Showing Layout' layout" error: On the Showing Layout be sure to select the "Salesforce1 & Lightning Actions" option in the palette, then drag "Enter Feedback" to the "Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience Actions" section on the layout. I was selecting from the "Quick Actions" option and adding it to the "Quick Actions in the Salesforce Classic Publisher," which is why it was failing.

Jason Jensen 17Jason Jensen 17

RE: "I also placed the field just beneath the Name field instead of next to it on the Enter Feedback Action Layout. Let me know if that works in your org."

YES!!! Putting the two fields side by side throws an error. Evidently they need to stacked. This took my an hour to figure out. Thanks @Matthew Coker 16

Andrey MigachevAndrey Migachev
Problem solved!
When customizing Showing Layout, you need to select "Enter Feedback" action from "Salesforce1 and Lightning Actions" (or "Mobile and Lightning Actions") and drag it under "Salesforce Mobile(Salesforce1) and Lightning Experience Actions". Don't add it under "Quick Actions in the Salesforce Classic Publisher".
Chen Fui Siow 7Chen Fui Siow 7
I solved this issue with the steps below:
  1. Create the Quick Action in "Event" object
    1. Goto Event Object > Buttons, Lists, and Action:
      1. Create the "New Action" label with "Enter Feedback", Update Record
      2. Edit the layout as instructed -- Remove all the fields on the page layout except for Name
      3. Put the Feedback field on the page layout
  2. Add the "Enter Feedback" quick action on Event object
    1. Goto Event object > Page Layout > Showing Layout >
    2. Select "Mobile & Lightning Actions" pallet, drag and drop "Enter Feedback" into the "Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions" section. 
    3. Save
Good luck!! 
Ankit Shrivastava 7Ankit Shrivastava 7
REMINDER: Please, try using Google Chrome as your browser when working on Salesforce trails
Chen Fui Siow 7Chen Fui Siow 7
Not sure have you try to download the mobile app to the mobile phone and test these quick action from the moble phone app. 

Alternatively, test the Salesforce mobile app in google chrome browser described in this url "".

"Open a new tab in your Chrome browser and open the Developer Tools by clicking View | Developer | Developer Tools
Click the Toggle Device Mode button to simulate your browser as a mobile device."

Good luck!!.
rambabu vadlamudi 16rambabu vadlamudi 16
this is driving me crazy i have done all the steps but struck since yesterday to resolve this stupid error can anyone please help me
rambabu vadlamudi 16rambabu vadlamudi 16

Could not find an Event Quick Action with the Label 'Enter Feedback' and the action type of 'Update a Record'. this is the error i am getting
Dave Silva 10Dave Silva 10
Anyone else find any solutions for this? I swear I've done everything perfectly even following the recommendations here but I'm still getting the same error . . .
The thing that made it go through for me was to put the Feedback field underneath not next to the Name field on the Quick Action Page Layout.  Requiring this level of detail is a bit annoying unfortunately...
Dave Silva 10Dave Silva 10
OMG. After being stuck on this for weeks, it turns out that I named the layout "Showing" instead of "Showing Layout".
So it should be the "Showing Layout" layout.

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Paul KucharPaul Kuchar
Great to have these suggestions to try. Looks like different solutions sometimes work. Like many others, mine looked OK in the Showing Layout, with "Enter Feedback" on the form. This still did not work.

I dragged "Enter Feedback" off of the form, and then dragged it back onto the form. Saved. And then it worked. 
Andy Su 9Andy Su 9
@Shawn Murray 8
Thank you for letting me not throw my laptop out of the window
I had similar issue which got fix after changing Event Action layout as below...

Action: Enter Feedback Lapyout
Mary TepasMary Tepas

@Chen Fui Siow 7 I nearly cried when your solution worked!  I have spent hours practically pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.

Everyone!!  You HAVE to create the action in the EVENT object, not just create the field.....Hallelujah!!!


I solved this issue with the steps below:
Create the Quick Action in "Event" object
Goto Event Object > Buttons, Lists, and Action:
Create the "New Action" label with "Enter Feedback", Update Record
Edit the layout as instructed -- Remove all the fields on the page layout except for Name
Put the Feedback field on the page layout
Add the "Enter Feedback" quick action on Event object
Goto Event object > Page Layout > Showing Layout >
Select "Mobile & Lightning Actions" pallet, drag and drop "Enter Feedback" into the "Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions" section. 