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Allan Noland
Delete failed. First exception first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, id does not exist:
Please help it says the id does not exist but it does. Why is it throwing this error and how can i stop it and get it to run?
Here is the Trigger that I have written. It executes when an opportunity is inserted or updated
here is a shot of the query editor wherein clearly one can see the id above
Please help me figure this out.
Please help it says the id does not exist but it does. Why is it throwing this error and how can i stop it and get it to run?
Here is the Trigger that I have written. It executes when an opportunity is inserted or updated
trigger OpportunityOwnership on Opportunity (after insert, after update) { List<OpportunityShare> OpptyOwnerShares = New List<OpportunityShare>(); List<OpportunityShare> OpptyOwnerUnShares = New List<OpportunityShare>(); For(Opportunity opp : Trigger.New){ List<OpportunityShare> Unshares = [Select id From OpportunityShare Where Opportunityid =]; If(Unshares.size()>0){ For(OpportunityShare unshare : Unshares){ OpptyOwnerUnshares.Add(unshare); } } } If(OpptyOwnerUnshares.size()>0){ Database.Delete(OpptyOwnerUnshares); } For (Opportunity opp2 : Trigger.New){ OpportunityShare Sales = New OpportunityShare(); OpportunityShare CodingManager = New OpportunityShare(); Sales.OpportunityID = opp2.Id; Sales.OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Edit'; Sales.UserOrGroupId = opp2.Current_Sales_Resource__c; CodingManager.OpportunityID = opp2.Id; CodingManager.OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Edit'; CodingManager.UserOrGroupId = opp2.Coding_Manager_Lookup__c; OpptyOwnerShares.add(Sales); OpptyOwnerShares.add(CodingManager); } If(OpptyOwnerShares.size()>0){ Insert OpptyOwnerShares; } }It says that the id it can't find is First exception on row 0 with id 00t0j00000Rat90AAB
here is a shot of the query editor wherein clearly one can see the id above
Please help me figure this out.