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Melanie HorsfordMelanie Horsford 

web to lead form - Job title not showing:

All the other data is showing except for job title:  

<input id="00ND000000670JS" placeholder="Job Title" maxlength="100" name="job_title_c" size="20" type="text" required /> 

Try this:
<input id="00ND000000670JS" placeholder="Job Title" maxlength="100" name="00ND000000670JS" size="20" type="text" required />

Also, curious why you are not using the Standard Field Title?
Melanie HorsfordMelanie Horsford
just tried both options - both don't work - just not returning any data in salesforce

Just started to using web to lead forms - so still trying to pick up everything.  If you have another option - greatly appreciate it.
