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sooraj kesavadas
Apex batch Job
I am trying to move records from one custom Object(Course_temp__c) to another custom Object(Course__c) using Apex batch. This is the code I have:
The code is running without any compilation errors and I also get the 'Finished Succesfully' message in the debug log. However, the records are not moving from Course_temp__c to Course__c. Can someone please tell me what I missing. Any help is hugely appreciated.
global class MyBatchJob2 implements Database.Batchable<Course_temp__c> { global MyBatchJob2(){} global List<Course_temp__c> start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { return [Select Id, Name, Contact__c, Course_Fees__c,Date__c From Course_temp__c]; } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Course_temp__c> scope) { List<Course__c> lhList = new List<Course__c>(); for(Course_temp__c obj : scope){ System.debug('Course_temp records are: ' +obj); lhList.add( new Course__c( Name = obj.Name, Contact__c = obj.Contact__c, Course_Fees__c = obj.Course_Fees__c, Date__c = obj.Date__c ) ); System.debug('The list is: '+lhlist); } insert lhList; delete scope; } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { System.debug('Finished Succesfully'); } }I am invoking the batch class using Id batchJobId = Database.executeBatch(new MyBatchJob2(), 200);
The code is running without any compilation errors and I also get the 'Finished Succesfully' message in the debug log. However, the records are not moving from Course_temp__c to Course__c. Can someone please tell me what I missing. Any help is hugely appreciated.
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