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vignesh balasubramanian 14
How to make Http callouts in batch class
Hi Everyone,
Could anyone explain me that how to make Http callouts in batch class with example.
Note:Need to call the batch class from apex trigger
Could anyone explain me that how to make Http callouts in batch class with example.
Note:Need to call the batch class from apex trigger
BatchSync BS = new BatchSync();
Database.executeBatch(BS,10); // you can also do less than 10
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All Answers
To use HTTP Callouts in batch class we need to use Database.allowcallouts in interface.
More info check below links : (
Hope this helps.
please let me know if you need any further information.
I tried but it shows " System.AsyncException: Database.executeBatch cannot be called from a batch start, batch execute, or future method " error.
Kindly give me solution to fix it.
you are calling callouts batch class in Trigger right?
Please use @future(callout = true) to execute method and checkonce.
Step 1: Create Apex Class
First step is to create an apex class. After you login, click on Setup > Develop > Apex Classes > New.
Step 2: Write future method
Write future method that calls external service.
Step 3: Add external server to Remote Sites
Click Setup > Security Controls > Remote Site Settings > New Add external site name and endpoint URL
Site:cheenath endpoint url:
Step 4: Create APEX trigger
Click Setup > Customize > Accounts > Triggers > New
And create the following trigger:
Yes, it works well, but not for bulk records thats why I'm asking you the way to achieve this using batch class.
BatchSync BS = new BatchSync();
Database.executeBatch(BS,10); // you can also do less than 10
You can also take help from these link
I Hope you will choose my answer as best answer
Please check below post for sample code
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