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Hernan IbarraHernan Ibarra 

I need to add a Total field in a Dashboard table.

We need to add the field Total of Cumplimiento of this report:
User-added image

In the dashboard shown below (Total Cumplimiento doesn’t appears in the table)
User-added image

The formula for Cumplimiento is:

User-added image
Alain CabonAlain Cabon

Did you try Percent instead of Number for the "Formato" of the formula ?

Hernan IbarraHernan Ibarra
I have tried to us percent but you can’t select this option in this formula. HI
Alain CabonAlain Cabon
There is a bug because you can decide what format you want for the formula.

Could you show your drop down list for the format field of your formula for Cumplimiento (it is interesting)(screen snapshot)?

Hernan IbarraHernan Ibarra
Alain I can select Porcentaje but it does not applies to the formula. It keeps the number selection. Regards. HI
Alain CabonAlain Cabon
Ok, try to create a second formula like this one (multiple by100 ; * 100) with the format Percent during the creation.
Hernan IbarraHernan Ibarra
Alain It seems that you can not mix in a table columns that are numbers and a column that is a Percentage. Anyway, if you define that the percentage column has a Total, it sums all the values as shown, which is wrong. Thanks and regards. Hernan Ibarra