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David Delaney 3David Delaney 3 

Salesforce1 Playground Environment access?

I am working on the Salesforce1 training modules in Trailhead.  After performing the necessary steps I am unable to see my changes in the Salesforce1 applicationo on my iPhone.  This seems to be because the Playground environment is not accessible from SF1 on my iPhone.

Please advise.

Thank you.
Best Answer chosen by David Delaney 3
David Delaney 3David Delaney 3
Please do a search in this forum for the following related thread using title: "What do I use to sign into the trailhead playground on my Salesforce1 mobile app? "

This will show you first how identify your Playground Env User Id and then to reset your Trailhead Playground User Password.  Your user id will be like: someusernameyouchose@brave-raccoon-NNNNN. or such...

Then the thread will explain how to login in using the "Custom Domain" link from the Salesforce1 mobile app. 

All Answers

NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi David,

If the modules which you have completed are related to lightning then Version 6.x of the S1 native container broke Lightning Component Tab support - this is supposed to be fixed in the next major release of the container (7.x). I was not happy about this. Also, be forewarned that the Android container still does not have Lightning Component Tab support - it's on the backlog to be completed but I do not have an ETA on it yet."

Phil NelsonPhil Nelson

This sounds like the same issue I've just encountered. When trying to complete chapter 2 of Salesforce Mobile Customization I noticed that my instance of Salesforce1 had all the other projects I've completed within Trailhead - except the one from chapter 1, DreamHouse Realty. I was able to create the global quick action required for completion but nothing for DreamHouse shows up in Salesforce1. I'm new here so it's possible I've missed something but it doesn't seem to be working for me either.

Thanks for the info, Nagendra. Since I'm new to all this I don't know what I should be asking here. Is there a workaround or should we just be patient and wait for a fix before proceeding?

David Delaney 3David Delaney 3
Please do a search in this forum for the following related thread using title: "What do I use to sign into the trailhead playground on my Salesforce1 mobile app? "

This will show you first how identify your Playground Env User Id and then to reset your Trailhead Playground User Password.  Your user id will be like: someusernameyouchose@brave-raccoon-NNNNN. or such...

Then the thread will explain how to login in using the "Custom Domain" link from the Salesforce1 mobile app. 
This was selected as the best answer