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Gowri KaranamGowri Karanam 

environment hub org creation.

How long does it typivally take to create environment hub org? I created an org in environment hub in my DE for trailhead, the org is not yet created and it is not even showing up in the environment hub. 

This is the message which i got after i clicked create 
"The new organization "TrailHead Org Development" is being created. When it is ready you will get an email confirmation, and it will appear in the Environment Hub."

Thanks for your help.

I have multiple experiences creating orgs from environment hub. Sometimes it will take some time half  day or so to finish the process.
Gowri KaranamGowri Karanam
Hi TintuB, thanks for your response... i created 2 orgs. one 2 days ago and 2nd one 24 hrs ago... dont see any of them. What could be wrong?