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swain 10swain 10 

How to write test class for this apex class and can anyone explain the trick to write test class

Apex class:
public class multiAddCEx {

    public multiAddCEx(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller) {


    public multiAddCEx(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {


List <Expense_Line_Item__c> CExList;
public Id cID = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id');
public Id getID {get; set;}
public PageReference reset()  {
CExList = [select name, Expense__c, Expense_Head__c, Amount__c, Date__c, Sub_Expense__c, Payment_Type__c, Cost_Head__c from Expense_Line_Item__c where Expense__c =: cID order by createddate limit 15 ];
return null; }
public List <Expense_Line_Item__c> getCExs() {
   if(CExList == null) reset();
   return CExList;}
public void setAccounts(List <Expense_Line_Item__c> cexs) {
   CExList = cexs;}
public PageReference save() {
upsert CExList;
ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.Info, 'Records Saved Successfully');
return null;}
public PageReference add() {
CExList.add(New Expense_Line_Item__c(Expense__c= cID));
return null; }
Best Answer chosen by swain 10
Varun SinghVarun Singh
You can Take help from these links also

1-basic of test class
2-All about test classes
3- summarized  information  ( )
public class ExtensionTestClass 
	static testMethod void testExtensionTest() 
		Expense__c e = new Expense__c();
		// Add all required field here
		insert e;
		Expense_Line_Item__c  li = new Expense_Line_Item__c ();
		//Assign Expence__c for line item
              li.Expense__c =
		//check all filter condition put all these here  in your code 
		insert li;

			ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id', String.valueOf(exp.Id));
			ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(eli);
			multiAddCEx ex = new multiAddCEx(sc);
			List <Expense_Line_Item__c>  lstEli = ex.getCExs(); 

I hope this information is informative,
Thanks varun

All Answers

Devanshu soodDevanshu sood
At first,you need to make instance of class,
then call all the method and see what coverage you got.
also you have to create a List <Expense_Line_Item__c>.
Sandeep WaliaSandeep Walia

Please go through Amit chaudhary's answer in this ( thread, he has summarized most of the best practices for writing test classes. 
 These are the 29 points that he has mentioned:
1. Test class must start with @isTest annotation if class class version is more than 25
2. Test environment support @testVisible , @testSetUp as well
3. Unit test is to test particular piece of code working properly or not .
4. Unit test method takes no argument ,commit no data to database ,send no email ,flagged with testMethod keyword .
5. To deploy to production at-least 75% code coverage is required
6. System.debug statement are not counted as a part of apex code limit.
7. Test method and test classes are not counted as a part of code limit
9. We should not focus on the  percentage of code coverage ,we should make sure that every use case should covered including positive, negative,bulk and single record .
Single Action -To verify that the the single record produces the correct an expected result .
Bulk action -Any apex record trigger ,class or extension must be invoked for 1-200 records .
Positive behavior : Test every expected behavior occurs through every expected permutation , i,e user filled out every correctly data and not go past the limit .
Negative Testcase :-Not to add future date , Not to specify negative amount.
Restricted User :-Test whether a user with restricted access used in your code .10. Test class should be annotated with @isTest .
11 . @isTest annotation with test method  is equivalent to testMethod keyword .
12. Test method should static and no void return type .
13. Test class and method default access is private ,no matter to add access specifier .
14. classes with @isTest annotation can't be a interface or enum .
15. Test method code can't be invoked by non test request .
16. Stating with salesforce API 28.0 test method can not reside inside non test classes .
17. @Testvisible annotation to make visible private methods inside test classes.
18. Test method can not be used to test web-service call out . Please use call out mock .
19. You can't  send email from test method.
20.User, profile, organization, AsyncApexjob, Corntrigger, RecordType, ApexClass, ApexComponent ,ApexPage we can access without (seeAllData=true) .
21. SeeAllData=true will not work for API 23 version eailer .
22. Accessing static resource test records in test class e,g List<Account> accList=Test.loadData(Account,SobjectType,'ResourceName').
23. Create TestFactory class with @isTest annotation to exclude from organization code size limit .
24. @testSetup to create test records once in a method  and use in every test method in the test class .
25. We can run unit test by using Salesforce Standard UI, IDE ,Console ,API.
26. Maximum number of test classes run per 24 hour of period is  not grater of 500 or 10 multiplication of test classes of your organization.
27. As apex runs in system mode so the permission and record sharing are not taken into account . So we need to use system.runAs to enforce record sharing .
28. System.runAs will not enforce user permission or field level permission .
29. Every test to runAs count against the total number of DML issued in the process .

Hope this helps,

when u are writing a test class u need some test data , which will not reflect on actual data

Note any record created in test class in not updated in real database

you can create test data in @testSetup meathod (best practice)

then create testMeathod and call the class and check for assert

in the below case i called a custom controler to check if records are creted properly

* This class contains unit tests for validating the behavior of Apex classes
* and triggers.
* Unit tests are class methods that verify whether a particular piece
* of code is working properly. Unit test methods take no arguments,
* commit no data to the database, and are flagged with the testMethod
* keyword in the method definition.
* All test methods in an organization are executed whenever Apex code is deployed
* to a production organization to confirm correctness, ensure code
* coverage, and prevent regressions. All Apex classes are
* required to have at least 75% code coverage in order to be deployed
* to a production organization. In addition, all triggers must have some code coverage.
* The @isTest class annotation indicates this class only contains test
* methods. Classes defined with the @isTest annotation do not count against
* the organization size limit for all Apex scripts.
* See the Apex Language Reference for more information about Testing and Code Coverage.

public class TestMemberControler {
*     Description     :   Test data for bank management system
*     Created By      :   Ishan Arora
*     @return         :      void
    Static void testData () {
         //Creating a list of house
        List<House__c> listHouseId = new List<House__c>();
        //Creating a list of persons
        List<Person__c> persons = new List<Person__c>();
        //Add the list with the house details
        listHouseId.add(new House__c(Name='Jalsa', Address__c='Mumbai'));
        //update the person list with all the person details
        persons.add(new Person__c(Name='Ayush',Gender__c='Male', Birthday__c= ));
        persons.add(new Person__c(Name='Sharad',Gender__c='Male', Birthday__c=;
        //insert the record of house
        insert listHouseId;
        //insert the record of persons
        insert persons;
	*     Description     :   This method is used to test save meathod in Add Member class
	*     Created By      :   Ishan Arora
	*     @return         :      void
    static testMethod void testAddMember() {
        //Making Instance of Controller
        MemberControler obj = new MemberControler();
        //Getting id of house
        List<House__c> listHouseId = [Select Id from House__c];
        //Getting id of Person
        List<Person__c> persons = [Select id from Person__C];
        //Adding data of member to Member variable
        obj.member = new Member__c(Name='Ayush',House__c=listHouseId[0].Id,Person__c = persons[0].Id);
        //Calling controller meathod;
        //Query to get stored Record
        List <Member__c> insertedMember = [Select Name, House__c, Person__c from Member__c limit 1];
        //Assert to check expected against Actual value
        System.assertEquals('Ayush', insertedMember[0].Name);
        System.assertEquals(listHouseId[0].Id, insertedMember[0].House__c);
        System.assertEquals(persons[0].Id, insertedMember[0].Person__c);
in case for using Apex Message for testing purpose
check the following link It has the proper code for it
Varun SinghVarun Singh
Hi @ Swain

you have to create aa record of Expense__c 
cretae Expense_Line_Item__c item and set Expense__c  

ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(pass id of Expence__c);    
       multiAddCEx mu= new multiAddCEx (sc);
   //​then call  all methods;
 Test Class

public class multiAddCExTest{
 public static testMethod void methodMultiadd(){
insert Expense__c ;
insert Expense_Line_Item__c item with Expence__C

then do other things

ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(pass id of Expence__c);    
       multiAddCEx mu= new multiAddCEx (sc);
   //​then call  all methods;
 Test Class

I Hope this is helpful for You Select my answer as best.
Ask fell free if you have any doubt.
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Try to create test class like below
public class ExtensionTestClass 
	static testMethod void testMethod1() 
		Expense__c exp = new Expense__c();
		// Add all required field here
		insert exp;
		Expense_Line_Item__c  eli = new Expense_Line_Item__c ();
		eli.Expense__c =
		// add all required field
		insert eli;

			ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id', String.valueOf(exp.Id));
			ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(eli);
			multiAddCEx obj = new multiAddCEx(sc);
			List <Expense_Line_Item__c>  lstEli = obj.getCExs(); 


Let us know if this will help you
Varun SinghVarun Singh
You can Take help from these links also

1-basic of test class
2-All about test classes
3- summarized  information  ( )
public class ExtensionTestClass 
	static testMethod void testExtensionTest() 
		Expense__c e = new Expense__c();
		// Add all required field here
		insert e;
		Expense_Line_Item__c  li = new Expense_Line_Item__c ();
		//Assign Expence__c for line item
              li.Expense__c =
		//check all filter condition put all these here  in your code 
		insert li;

			ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id', String.valueOf(exp.Id));
			ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(eli);
			multiAddCEx ex = new multiAddCEx(sc);
			List <Expense_Line_Item__c>  lstEli = ex.getCExs(); 

I hope this information is informative,
Thanks varun
This was selected as the best answer
  1. every test class in salesforce follows the same pattern:
  2. starts with @isTest
  3. You need to set the test data
  4. start the test by calling Test.startTest() 
  5. Calling your class/method
  6. Stopping the test by calling Test.stopTest() to reset the governor limits and allow for any async jobs to finish.
  7. Asserting that your changes have worked
  8. ​If you have made any change o the record, you need to query for the updates
  9. Run System.assert, System.assertNotEquals,System.assertEquals to verify that you got the correct data
For complete detail, on test class, you can check test class in Salesforce| developer Guide (