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Mark FazekasMark Fazekas 

custom crm system development first

Hello all!

I am collecting some ideas and where I am going wrong.
My project is about a company who sells product with the help of sales people.
Whenever i create a product move, i want to trigger the creation of a delivery, and the delivery fires the creation of a feedback.
should i use the master detail relationship each time, and use the workflow triggers?
in this case i think i have to give a delivery at the creation of a product move. (experience)

how should I do it? what is your opinion?
Best Answer chosen by Mark Fazekas
Since the workflow can't create records, I would use the process builder to create the delivery record. And then another flow again using the process builder to create the feedback record.

All Answers

Since the workflow can't create records, I would use the process builder to create the delivery record. And then another flow again using the process builder to create the feedback record.
This was selected as the best answer
Mark FazekasMark Fazekas
That is the tool I was looking for. Thank you so much