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Migrate Article types to Lightning Knowledge. Is there a tool or process to migrate article types to Lightning Knowledge.

Is there a tool to Migrate Article types to Knowledge Article types Lightning?  I did not see anything in the release notes.
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Raj,

May I suggest you please check with below link from the success community which will point you in the right direction. Please let us know if this helps.

Christopher MilnerChristopher Milner
Raj, did you happen to find an answer to this? I myself am looking for a tool to migrate Article Types to Record Types and am, thus far, turning up a blank. I can post something on the success community myself, but figured I would touch base here to see if you had found anything.
Simon Anlezark 8Simon Anlezark 8

There is now a Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool with the release of Summer '18