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Vaishali mehtaVaishali mehta 

I have my UI on salesforce. I want a piece of code to execute on some server. How this can be achieved?

I have my UI on salesforce. I want a piece of code to execute on some server. How this can be  achieved?
Shashikant SharmaShashikant Sharma
Hi Vaishali,

If you could share more detials about it like
1. What UI you have on Salesforce, could you share the code of the UI ( Visualforce Page )
2. What piece of code you want to execute on some server - If you want to bind a Visualforce from server properties then you need to have an Apex Class as Controller of that page using controller on <apex:page if page has Standard Controller then you need to put Apex Class name in Extentions on <apex:page

Vaishali mehtaVaishali mehta
Shashikant, I have no code ready yet. Not even UI.

But my requirement is that, I have a list of servers.I will chose a server name and click on a button saying "Depoly", and then the code should be running on that particular server. I hope you got my point.
Shashikant SharmaShashikant Sharma
 I did not understand the part chose a server, what is your server do you mean another Salesforce Org. if so then you can migrate any code from one org to another using Eclipse, Ant Scripts. But if it is any other server then code developed in Salesforce like Visualforce or Apex code can not be moved to any other server or application. Even if you migrate files manaully still that code can not be executed out side salesforce.

I hope above answers your question.
