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Alex ValavanisAlex Valavanis 

How do I learn Apex?

How can i learn Apex? I know nothing about it but feel like improving my skills in developing. 
Any books?Videos?Courses? (Will courses help me or is it a "waste of money"?)
Hi Alex 
Start learning from Trailhead.  and when u have some idea about apex then u can use developer guide book
and many apex class video is on youtube that will help you just need only core java programming knowledge

Thank you
Avaneesh Singh
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Hi Alex.

Trailhead is best way to learn salesforce. Please check below trailhead module
1) Apex Basics & Database (
2) Apex & .NET Basics (

You Can download the below book as well
1) APEX book (
2) VF pages (

1) Cheat_Sheets (

Let us know if this will help you
Prabushanker_KumarasamyPrabushanker_Kumarasamy (" target="basicapex)