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Jyosi jyosi
Action Support until the redirecting of the page
Hello Everyone,
I have page when user clicks verify i insert the record and make a callout. In executeWS() i call another call where we update the response from External system. It's get updated and everything works. executeWS() code is below. when i verify i get the status bar ,but the status bar won't appear on the page until the page gets redirect.
I need to keep the status bar working until the pages the get loaded successfully after the redirect. I need to show user please wait i am updating the values and getting the page back for the result.
Thanks for the help.
I have page when user clicks verify i insert the record and make a callout. In executeWS() i call another call where we update the response from External system. It's get updated and everything works. executeWS() code is below. when i verify i get the status bar ,but the status bar won't appear on the page until the page gets redirect.
I need to keep the status bar working until the pages the get loaded successfully after the redirect. I need to show user please wait i am updating the values and getting the page back for the result.
<apex:commandButton value="Save As Draft " action="{!saveSample}" reRender="pgBlckId,table" status="actStatusId"/> <apex:commandButton value="Verify" action="{!saveSample}" oncomplete="executeWS()" status="actStatusId" reRender="isSF1"/> <apex:actionStatus id="actStatusId" rendered="true" > <apex:facet name="start" > <apex:actionFunction name="executeWS" action="{!executeWS}" > <div class="waitingSearchDiv" id="el_loading" style="background-color: #fbfbfb; height: 100%;opacity:0.65;width:100%;"> <div class="waitingHolder" style="top: 74.2px; width: 91px;"> <img class="waitingImage" src="/img/loading.gif" title="Please Wait..." /> <span class="waitingDescription">Please Wait...</span> </div> </div> </apex:actionFunction> </apex:facet> </apex:actionStatus>
public PageReference executeWS(){ bsubmit =validateUserInputs(true); system.debug('validateUserInputs ==== '+validateUserInputs(bsubmit)); if(bsubmit!=true) { try{ if(OrderNumber.get(sampleRecord.Id)==null) { callout.processSampleOrderRequestCreate(this,samplerecord.Id); PageRedirect = new PageReference('/apex/XXX?Id='+sampleRecord.Id+''); PageRedirect.setRedirect(true); }else{ callout.processSampleOrderChangeRequest(this,samplerecord.Id); PageRedirect = new PageReference('/apex/XXX?Id='+sampleRecord.Id+''); PageRedirect.setRedirect(true); } }catch(Exception e) { system.debug('Exception === '+e.getMessage()); } } return PageRedirect; }
Thanks for the help.
public PageReference executeWS() {
bsubmit = validateUserInputs(true);
system.debug('validateUserInputs ==== ' + validateUserInputs(bsubmit));
if (bsubmit != true) {
try {
if (OrderNumber.get(sampleRecord.Id) == null) {
callout.processSampleOrderRequestCreate(this, samplerecord.Id);
PageRedirect = new PageReference('/apex/XXX?Id=' + sampleRecord.Id + '');
} else {
callout.processSampleOrderChangeRequest(this, samplerecord.Id);
PageRedirect = new PageReference('/apex/XXX?Id=' + sampleRecord.Id + '');
} catch (Exception e) {
system.debug('Exception === ' + e.getMessage());
return PageRedirect;
Pawan Kumar
It wont pull the updated values and still the pages continues to spin with on the browser.