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Steve Berley
quick actions - preventing or closing dialog
I'm creating a custom quick action for the lightning ui that requires no user input - just click the button and it starts.
Is it possible to prevent the Quick Action dialog from showing?
While not as good a solution, I'd like to make it vanish immediately, but I can't make it happen.
JS Controller:
Any suggestions?
Is it possible to prevent the Quick Action dialog from showing?
While not as good a solution, I'd like to make it vanish immediately, but I can't make it happen.
<aura:component implements="force:lightningQuickActionWithoutHeader"> <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.dismissIt}" /> </aura:component>
JS Controller:
dismissIt : function(component, event, helper) { var wasDismissed = $A.get("e.force:closeQuickAction").fire(); }As you can see they're as simple as possible but it's just not working.
Any suggestions?
May I suggest you please check with below link from the stack exchange community which might help you to accelerate further.
Please let us know if this helps.Thanks,
I made some tests with the Winter 18 version but that doesn't work without opening a new popup.
I had already closed the Quick Action dialog in the past as soon as another popup was opened (navigation/using the data services) but the simple toast is not enough. I am trying to find my old test which works but that was not completely reliable nevertheless.
Failed tests: all the renderer events are done before the display of the popup itself.
The button "Close" works but that is just the default sample of Salesforce for the test of the function handleClose .
Best regards
Here is the only sample I can give you which seems to work but I have to use ... a call back and a controller (useless normally):
It is a solution with only this call back that we need (the remote call should be useless).
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
// here the force:closeQuickAction works (?) : I tried that during my work but I am not sure it is 100% reliable.
Best regards