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Need help on opportunity close date field
Hello all i am working with sales team, some of my team doesn't know actual close date so they want to click on new opportunity close date field need to fill automatically with a particular future date.
The close date field is a mandatory field in Opportunitiy . So you dont have an option ignore that. This field cannot be removed from the page layout as well. To make use of another formula field. So below can be work around.
You can ask the seller to select the todays date in the Closed.
You can write an after trigger to update the Close Date with future date something like this CloseDate()+30 . Which will show in future.
Srinivasan M
E.g., create a another field on opportunity named Number of Days and have your users enter the days their and create a workflow which would populate the date in ClosedDate field as CreatedDate + Number_Of_Days__c
If you don't want your users to have a Number Of Days field entered then make a best guess in workflow field update and say CreatedDate + 30 or 20 or 60 whichever makes more sense.
Hope it helps!
There are a couple of options – * Override your ‘new’ button with an ‘url hack’ button that pre fills the fields when the new Opp page is displayed. Note that this will only work in Classic and not Lightning * Use Workflow or Process Builder to fill the fields when the new Opp is saved. The values won’t be filled when the new Opp page is first displayed. Here are some resources that discuss these options:
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Hope this helps.Please mark this as solved if the information helps so that it gets removed from the unanswered queue which results in helping others who are encountering a similar issue.