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Robert WynterRobert Wynter 

WFR if checkbox 1A = False then Checkbox 1B = TRUE and vice versa

I have two fields Email Opt-In    And Email Opt Out. I need that if field "Source" = FA then one of these need to be check. If Opt-In ischanged to TRUE then Opt-Out =False and it Opt-In ischanged to FALSE then Opt-Out = TRUE. So far I have the first part working with the following:
  1. Evaluation CriteriaEvaluate the rule when a record is created, and every time it's edited
  2. Rule CriteriaAND( 
    Email_Opt_In__c = FALSE, 
    Source__c = "FormAssembly")
  3. Field Update Email Opt-Out Updated To True
If you have any suggestions, please help
Srinivasan Muthu 15Srinivasan Muthu 15
Hi Robert,

Make sure "Re-evaluate Workflow Rules After Field Change " is checked in the workflow . So that it will re evaluate the workflow rules that is available in the object . 
Else go with Process builder. 

Srinivasan M
Robert WynterRobert Wynter
yes that is checked already. I thought that might be the issue but it's not
Robert WynterRobert Wynter
I went with process builder instead of a WFR
Create a another workflow along with the first one which says,

Criteria: Every time created or edited.
What it would do? - > If the checkbox Email Opt-In Is checked then it will make checkbox Email Opt-out unchecked.
                           -> If the checkbox Email Opt-Out Is checked then it will make checkbox Email Opt-IN unchecked.

Hope it helps!