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Kalpesh Vyas 14Kalpesh Vyas 14 

show ui:inputRadio in Horizontal directions.


I am seeing that using ui:inputRadio shows it in Vertical direction, is any better way to show them in horizontal direction?
<b>Radio Buttons - Group</b>
<ui:inputRadio aura:id="r0" name="others" label="Prospecting" />
<ui:inputRadio aura:id="r1" name="others" label="Qualification" value="true"/>

I put it them in different div and then only they are horizontal align. Is it correct way?
Best Answer chosen by Kalpesh Vyas 14
You can use below code to get the desired result .
<b>Radio Buttons - Group</b>
   <span class="slds-checkbox">
       <ui:inputRadio aura:id="r0" name="others" label="" /> Prospecting    &nbsp;&nbsp;
       <ui:inputRadio aura:id="r1" name="others"   label="" value="true"/> Qualification

User-added image
You can put the label after or before  from  <ui:inputRadio /> .

From my side the slds class is the best way to do so.
Hope This this will help you .
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