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Aurora Ganguly 10
solution for test class
hello all,
Can anyone help me in fixing this test class. I tried and written some portion , but its not showing any thing , although it is not solved , so am sharing my controller, for which i want the test class.
plz share if any one could solve.
Regard Aurora,
Below is the controller .
Can anyone help me in fixing this test class. I tried and written some portion , but its not showing any thing , although it is not solved , so am sharing my controller, for which i want the test class.
plz share if any one could solve.
Regard Aurora,
Below is the controller .
public with sharing class ctrl_outsidemenu { Public String Dishname { get; set;} Public Double Price { get; set;} Public Integer qty { get; set;} Public String remarks { get; set;} Public id oid { get; set;} public ctrl_outsidemenu(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { Menu__c m = new Menu__c(); } String s = 'Food'; public String getString() { return s; } public void setString(String s) { this.s = s; } public PageReference csave(){ try{ oid = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); Menu__c m = new Menu__c(); m.Dish_Name__c =Dishname; m.Price__c =Price; m.Category__c = s; m.SubCategory__c ='Extra'; m.Status__c ='Not available'; insert m; OLI__c oli = new OLI__c(); oli.Menu__c =; oli.Order__c = oid; oli.Qty__c = qty; oli.Remarks__c = remarks; insert oli; } catch(Exception e){ ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.FATAL,e.getmessage()); ApexPages.addMessage(myMsg); } PageReference retURL = new PageReference('/'+oid); retURL.setRedirect(true); return retURL; } public PageReference ccancel(){ oid = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); PageReference retURL = new PageReference('/'+oid); retURL.setRedirect(true); return retURL; } }
May I request you to please check for Test Class Generator App from APP Exchange. Please refer the below link.
I hope it will be helpful.
Please mark it as best answer if the information is informative.
Thanks & Regards
Gopal M.