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Brandon COFFINBrandon COFFIN 

How to update children records using process builder ?


I'm trying to update children records of an account when this one in edited but I keep having an error.
Here is my condition :
AND(CONTAINS([Account].Owner.Profile.Name, "emea"),
OR(ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Aiports Management"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Air Base"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Airport"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Airport Authority"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Airport equipment"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Army"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Aviation"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Consultant Company and Architect"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Contractor"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Naval Base"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Parc of exhibition"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Port"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Port Authority"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Port concessionaire"),
ISPICKVAL([Account].emea_Prescriptor_Type__c , "Ports operator")),

The "[Account].Must_be_visited_by_Airport_Port_Team__c" is a boolean type so I don't know why it don't work correctly.
I also have another condition with NOT([Account].Must_be_visited_by_Airport_Port_Team__c) to test if the box is unchecked.

Thanks for your answers
sailaja majji 5sailaja majji 5
Hi Brandon ,

Can you let us know what error you are getting  .Are the field on Account object or child object ?


Brandon COFFINBrandon COFFIN
Thanks for your answer.

Here is the error :
The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID 3014C000000CyNd. Flow error messages: <b>An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow</b><br>An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information. Contact your administrator for help.

Unfortunatly, I don't have access to the email.
The fields are on parent and child object. When a parent record is edited, I would like the value of "Must_be_visited_by_Airport_Port_Team__c" to be copied on every children the record have, if it does of course. As a Boolean, I have set a condition with the value True and another one with the value False.