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Raj R.Raj R. 

How to create apex trigger on custom metadata type?


We have a custom metadata type (CustomMetadata__mdt). When a record of CustomMetatdata__mdt is inserted we want to call a trigger that will append extra characters to the end of the field's values. 

How would we create a trigger that will run whenever a new record is inserted for CustomMetadata__mdt?
Best Answer chosen by Raj R.
It's not possible to write a trigger/Workflow on custom metadata object.
If you need trigger you will need to use custom object .

All Answers

It's not possible to write a trigger/Workflow on custom metadata object.
If you need trigger you will need to use custom object .
This was selected as the best answer
Tina BlackwoodTina Blackwood
I agree, just use custom object instead, thats the simplest solution. If you come across some other, just let me know.
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