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Charlie Chaplin 2017Charlie Chaplin 2017 

Need some help with Apex class

Hi there,
To all my Devloper friends. I am facing a challenge at this moment. I have this Apex class fetching data from an custom Object and displaying it through a Visual force page. My problem is this class has been written by previous developer and i have no clue what is the logic behind this class to sort, match and display data on Visual force page.
It would be a great help if anyone can let me know how this class is matching data. What is the logic behind it and if i need to change this logic how can i do that.
Here is the Apex Class.

public class RegulationOCheckCtrl {
    public class Wrapper {
        public Boolean success { get; set; }
        public Object message { get; set; }
        public Object response { get; set; }

    public class Match {
        public String accountName { get; set; }
        public Double similarity { get; set; }

    public static List<String> tokenize(String str){

        List<String> allPairs = new List<String>();

        String[] tokens = str.split(' ');

        for (Integer t = 0; t < tokens.size(); t++)
            if (!String.isEmpty(tokens[t]))
                String[] pairs = generateBigrams(tokens[t]);

                for (Integer p = 0; p < pairs.size(); p++)

        return allPairs;        


    public static List<String> generateBigrams(String str){

        Integer numPairs = str.length() - 1;

        String[] bigrams = new String[numPairs];


        for(Integer i = 0; i < numPairs; i++){
            bigrams[i] = str.substring(i, i + 2);

        return bigrams;

    public static String cleanString (String str){
        String searchString = str;
        String specialChars = '!|@|#|$|%|^|&|*|(|)|_|-|+|=|{|}|[|]|:|;|"|\'|<|>|,|.|?|/|\\|~|`';
        for(Integer i = 0; i<specialChars.split('|').size(); i++){
            searchString = searchString.replace(specialChars.split('|')[i], '');
        return searchString;

    public static Wrapper compare (Id accountId){

        Wrapper w = new Wrapper();


            Account context = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :accountId LIMIT 1];

            List<String> source = tokenize(cleanString(context.Name.toUpperCase()));
            List <Match> matches = new List<Match>();

            for(RegOInsiders__c r: [SELECT Id, Name FROM RegOInsiders__c WHERE RecordType.DeveloperName = 'Current']){

                List <String> target = tokenize(cleanString(r.Name.toUpperCase()));

                Integer intersection = 0;
                Integer union = source.size() + target.size();

                for(Integer o = 0; o < source.size(); o++){
                    for(Integer i = 0; i < target.size(); i++){
                        if(source[o] == target[i]){

                Match m = new Match();
                m.accountName = r.Name;     
                m.similarity = (2.0 * intersection) / union;
                if(m.similarity !=0)

            String[] messages = new String[]{'All Reg-O insiders compared and retrieved!'};

            w.success = true;
            w.message = messages;
            w.response = matches;

        }catch(Exception ex){

            String[] messages = new String[]{ex.getMessage()};

            w.success = false;
            w.message = messages;

        return w;


    public static Wrapper record (Id accountId, String data){

        Wrapper w = new Wrapper();

            Datetime d =;     
            String now = d.format('yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss');

            Boolean match = false;
            Account context = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :accountId LIMIT 1];

            List<Match> matches = (List<Match>)JSON.deserialize(data, List<Match>.class);

            for(Match m: matches){
                if(m.similarity > .80){
                    match = true;
            Regulation_O_Check_History__c insertRegulationOCheckHistory = new Regulation_O_Check_History__c();
            insertRegulationOCheckHistory.Associated_Account__c = context.Id;
            insertRegulationOCheckHistory.Match__c = match;
            INSERT insertRegulationOCheckHistory; 
            Regulation_O_Check_History__c regulationOCheckHistory = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Regulation_O_Check_History__c WHERE Id = :insertRegulationOCheckHistory.Id];

            String csv = 'Comparing Against:,' + context.Name + '\n';
            csv += '\n';
            csv += 'Insider,% Similarity\n';
            for(Match m: matches){
                csv += m.accountName.escapeCSV() + ',' + m.similarity + '\n';

            Blob blobCSV = Blob.valueOf(csv);
            Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
            attachment.ParentId = regulationOCheckHistory.Id;
            attachment.Name = context.Name + '_' + regulationOCheckHistory.Name + '_' + now + '.csv';
            attachment.ContentType = 'application/csv';
            attachment.Body = blobCSV;

            INSERT attachment; 

            String[] messages = new String[]{
                'Created Reg-O Check History Record',
                '/' + regulationOCheckHistory.Id

            w.success = true;
            w.message = messages;

        }catch(Exception ex){
            String[] messages = new String[]{ex.getMessage()};

            w.success = true;
            w.message = ex.getMessage();


        return w;

    public RegulationOCheckCtrl(ApexPages.StandardController ctrl){}

Your helpp is really appreciated
Alain CabonAlain Cabon

That seems of an algorithm for finding out how many adjacent character pairs are contained in both strings (algorithms for similarity measure).

Previous article: Let me explain the algorithm by comparing the two strings 'France' and 'French'. First, I map them both to their upper case characters (making the algorithm insensitive to case differences), then split them up into their character pairs:
FRENCH: {FR, RE, EN, NC, CH} ....

There are many algorithms for similarity measures:

In the fields of computational linguistics and probability, an n-gram is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sequence of text or speech:

Best regards,
