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Jean Grey 10Jean Grey 10 

How do I reference Opportunity Product Unit Price on a linked custom object?

We have a custom object to replace the Schedule feature on Opportunity Product. I used a Lookup field on Opportunity Product to create a 1:1 relationship with the custom object Schedule. I want to create a formula field on Schedule to calculate revenue based on Sales Price and some other fields. How do I reference the Sales Price (UnitPrice) in the formula? 
Best Answer chosen by Jean Grey 10
Hi Jean
Can you tell me to which object your schedule object is related. The relationship schema between product, opportunity and pricebook is given below,

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All Answers

Jean Grey 10Jean Grey 10
I tried Product2__r.UnitPrice and Product2.UnitPrice and both times I get an error.
Hi Jean
Can you tell me to which object your schedule object is related. The relationship schema between product, opportunity and pricebook is given below,

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This was selected as the best answer