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Payment gateway integration in salesforce


I want to integrate the payment gateway in salesforce. When a user clicks on the 'Credit Card' button on visualforce, a new window (iFrame or Canvas app, which one is better?) should open which will display the page provided by our payment team. The customer details should  be auto-populated and only card details should be entered. Once user hits 'Submit' button, the payment should be processed and I should be able to capture the response (get the unique refrence number) and store the same in my payment record.

Please let me know:
1- How to launch the new window - iFrame or Canvas app, which one is more secure and seamless, i think its canvas app
2- How to send/capture the request/response if I am using a Canvas app

Appreciate any help here.
Thanks Nabeel, I am OK with the HTTP request/response but we have our payment team who provides us the payment gateway screen to collect the information. How I can implement that in my solution, should I use a canvas app to display that in my VF?
Please help...Can I use a canvas app to launh the payment gateway and send/receive request/response from it?
Vamshi KrishnaVamshi Krishna
Ankit, any update on how to store responses? I'm looking for the same.
Hello Vamshi, I have used jquery and javascript to capture the response from payment gateway. We are using easyXDM to pass the parameters from VF to HTML.
Vamshi KrishnaVamshi Krishna
Okay Ankit. I would go ahead with the same idea. By the way,can we store that like a lead record ? Is that posiible?
Vamshi KrishnaVamshi Krishna
Can you provide me sample code on that? Can you email?