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Anu YadavAnu Yadav 

soql query on opportunity

I m using following query in my batch class where i m retrieving opportunity records whose account owner is not same as its owner.

Id EBPRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Opportunity.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Partner Opportunities').getRecordTypeId();
        return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id,name,AccountId,StageName,OwnerId,Account.OwnerId From Opportunity WHERE  OwnerId!=:Account.OwnerId and StageName IN ('Chance identified','Chance qualified','First offer','Finale offer') and RecordTypeid =: EBPRecordTypeId]);

getting error : Invalid bind expression type of Schema.SObjectField for column of type Id

Best Answer chosen by Anu Yadav
Anu YadavAnu Yadav
In query i was getting the error. I was comparing OwnerId!=:Account.OwnerId in soql where clause which is not correct. I resolved it by creating a formula field.

All Answers

Muzammil BajariaMuzammil Bajaria
in which line you are getting this error? in querry or while retrieving record type Id?
Anu YadavAnu Yadav
In query i was getting the error. I was comparing OwnerId!=:Account.OwnerId in soql where clause which is not correct. I resolved it by creating a formula field.
This was selected as the best answer